say something about ... yourself!

Its never to late to put five across her eyes!

good idea.

Idk what is up with girls around that age, curiosity I suppose, but people aren't telling them the consequences of being sexually active at that time, and people should. It gives the girls a bad rep, plus the lifelong diseases that comes with it.

when I was 14 all I wanted to do was play outside and ride my bike,ha.
Idk what is up with girls around that age, curiosity I suppose, but people aren't telling them the consequences of being sexually active at that time, and people should. It gives the girls a bad rep, plus the lifelong diseases that comes with it.

when I was 14 all I wanted to do was play outside and ride my bike,ha.

By 14 most girls are physically mature. That was a pretty standard age to have children in the past. My point isn't that girls that young should be slutting it up, but I was having sex at fourteen and haven't faced any consequences because I wasn't an idiot about it.
I had a pretty damn good night last night. Not because we had hamburgers, again for the 900th time, which I'm getting sick of, But that we went to the movies! Dark Knight! yay! I was freezing and had to pee after the first hour, but it was worth it! :D

Tonight with any luck I'm going to finally get a new pair of earbuds for my mp3 player.
By 14 most girls are physically mature. That was a pretty standard age to have children in the past. My point isn't that girls that young should be slutting it up, but I was having sex at fourteen and haven't faced any consequences because I wasn't an idiot about it.

Yeah,I'd say that's about right. For some it might be later, for others, earlier. I'm the weird type, started devolping earlier, and had no idea, and was terrified. Of course no one to help either :lol:

And that's true as well, most 14 yr olds are slutting it up, but I suppose you could find the rare handful who aren't idiots about it.
By 14 most girls are physically mature. That was a pretty standard age to have children in the past. My point isn't that girls that young should be slutting it up, but I was having sex at fourteen and haven't faced any consequences because I wasn't an idiot about it.

I agree, but I think you're sadly in the minority of girls who aren't idiots about it.