say something about ... yourself!

I love to compliment random people. I get odd stares a lot of the time, but it's nice to make people feel better about themselves sometimes. Or be reminded about something they already knew. Always puts a smile on their face.
Yeah, I think Kriggy commented that the Conan comics are good, I'm definitely gonna check em out.
I'll get one of the volumes, then go to a Bal-Sagoth show and say "I have come into possession of an ancient book!"
'fraid not. They didn't score a Root or a Absu or a Hollenthon, and the lineup as it is doesn't enthrall me enough to spend that kind of money.
my grandmother called to say that since my mom wanted to use the Wii Fit, to get it ready... she ultimately said "get the wii ready". at FIRST, she misunderstood. she said "your mother said to get the weed ready"

*makes this face*

Today I'm FINALLY getting my hair cut at the super fancy salon next door to my work, but it's cheap because they're training people to cut hair really well.

And after that my friend and I are going to smoke some weed, drink some beer, and go see Wolves in the Throne Room... for free!