say something about ... yourself!

I have a bunch of different old Monopoly games formed together from over the years, so that I can play the One War!!!!! Save all the one's you get until the game gets interesting. Land on some ass holes hotels and pay them all in one's!
Dad and I were outside for the past 3 hours looking for the Perseids meteor shower. Most of the first hour was me trying to convince my dad of the different constellations. The second hour was him complain of how all the clouds were exactly on top of the stars he wanted to look at, along with us running in and out of the house to look at an online interactive map of the night sky (very cool, by the way). The third hour consisted of more complaining on my dads part while I laid down in the middle of street to stare at the night sky until we almost got ran over by the newspaper guy.

Total, we each saw 3 meteorites. Gotta love father-daughter bonding. :rolleyes:

Edit: Here's the website.
uuuugh, so I am working on a Logo/Tshirt design. I am 98% done and Illustrator, which never crashes on me decides to have a complete meltdown. FUCK!

Of course the logo was perfect and exactly how I wanted it. I spent the last 2 hours making a new one. Dammit!
So, the good news is the client LOVED the designs I sent him!!!
He wants more T-shirt designs, in fact a whole line based on his book(s).

And I have a book cover in progress, the client really liked the mock up I sent last night. So moar money for me! YAY!

of course you all realise that by me saying this ( or typing it ) the entire universe is about to implode right?