say something about ... yourself!

hey Enemy242, i think i saw you at the ATG show a few weeks ago during darkest hour's set. i was entering the bathroom as you were leaving, but i didnt say anything cause i just got there and had to piss like crazy haha.
fuck, I can get an "eighth" of regular weed for $25 or $30, this shit was absolutely beautiful and amazing, one-hitter quitter bud. That's why it was $100
hey Enemy242, i think i saw you at the ATG show a few weeks ago during darkest hour's set. i was entering the bathroom as you were leaving, but i didnt say anything cause i just got there and had to piss like crazy haha.

i was at that show at the fillmore yeah so its possible, it was pretty crowded and i was pretty out of it so even if i saw you i wouldn't know it haha
Neal, right now is the proper time in the thread to not take for granted the wonderful fruits of our amazing region and their proper costs.
I can't remember the last time I bought weed. Well, the last time I really was a smoker was about over 10 years ago. I can smoke for free whenever I want but unfortunately for me, I fucking hate being baked. The beginning buzz is all good but then when it hits you hard is when I don't like it anymore.
They have a thread over at the art site I frequent called "What does your initials mean" I know not a very interesting thread, but it got me thinking about my own.

LOL! My initials are, SMF. Which always meant to me, Sorry Mother Fucker.