say something about ... yourself!

cant blame him, im sure the argument was very convincing. i can see the conversation now, "lets get drunk." "goddammit you're right!" shrimp dip sounds pretty gross anyway.
Camping trip was a success, but we suffered a casualty in the form of my very first glass pipe ever. RIP little buddy :(
Bought a (plastic) bullet belt for my Halloween costume, yay.

This is more or less the costume. Depending on how cheap I can find a duster coat, I will either piece it together myself or just buy the costume.
awesome!! :headbang:
gahh so i'm tired of living at home and having my little brother and sister talk down to me, having my mom go through my stuff, hearing my little sister have explosive temper tantrums over the smallest thing, hearing my mom give cliche-ridden monologue-esque rants about nothing at all, not being allowed to leave the house after 10 pm, etc.

a friend of mine was talking about getting an apartment a while ago and she seems to still be up for the idea.

however, my dad still wants me to go back to school and i don't have the balls to tell him that i don't really want to.

if i go back to college (if i even still have time to get my transcripts and shit sent over, meet with advisor, etc), i'll make my dad happy but i'll be bailing out on the friend who wants to move in together, and i already told my work that i'm not going back to school and will be availilble to work through the fall.

if i don't go to school, i'll disappoint/piss off my dad but i'll be able to keep making money and get my own place.

Not that this isn't something you don't already know, but at the end of the day, you have to do what you're going to be happy with, or at least be able to live with. Sure they're your parents and they've raised you, supported you and loved you through your life, but you have to do what's right for you, whatever that is.

Good luck :)
So I drank quite a few beers last night and something I ate last night didn't agree with the combination of my stomach and the beer. I also am slightly dehydrated so I suppose I won't be doing any drinking tonight but rather rehydrating myself. Hmmmmm........time to get fucked up off of caffeine.