say something about ... yourself!

I don't think I'm cool with the new token 'fat guy' in the Alltel commercials.

Yeah, they got rid of the round faced one that used to be the Cingulair guy :(

Well I'm happy! We had pizza for dinner from a mom and pop place called Little Itally. I know doesn't sound original. But damn it was tasty! It was not as good as Ledo's, but I haven't had pizza that good since Ledo's.

Hhaha, I had to go out and harvest more tomatoes. They are starting to die down as I only managed 20 today. I tripped and nearly feel to my doom and caught myself on the side of the house and the corner of it before going down. hhaha, I would have killed my tomatoes! :lol: I did pull my calf muscle some how when I was trying not to fall into them. Boy that would have been a mess. Talk about coming back up in shame with tomato all over your face!

It is my fault for not staking them when they were baby's.
Bought a (plastic) bullet belt for my Halloween costume, yay.

This is more or less the costume. Depending on how cheap I can find a duster coat, I will either piece it together myself or just buy the costume.
I have nothing to say about myself today, because I sard too much to write 20 paragraphs :)

Ok the smile was fake, it looks more like this. :mad:

But, I'm on here to forget and that is what I think I will at least try to do. o_O
Friend and I were supposed to get a movie and some shrimp dip and hang out tonight after I got off work. I call him cuz I got out earlier than I though, only to find that he's been in Towson for a while drinking. He finally called me after an hour of me calling him, still wanting to hang out. Wtf, I could have hung out with some other friends tonight if he wanted to get wasted. Thanks for keeping to commitments.