say something about ... yourself!

I must say, though I'm totally apathetic towards social conditions in foreign countries, I got way tickled when the Olympic parade world tour thingy kept on getting disturbed by uberprotesters.
You say you're from "English-Speaking Montreal, Canada", but that post made little sense, which puts you in suspicion of being a French Canadian. You must now prove yourself innocent, or you must leave the hall.
woke up around 12:30, very thirsty and realized that we didn't have any apple juice left. went to go to the convenience store down the street and mom insisted she go with me (use up the gas in her car and not mine - fiiine by me) and we go there only to realize that they didn't have apple juice so i bought a thing of peach tea.

and i was torn between buying cheetos or ben & jerry's and i didn't buy either. am proud of self. will force self to go to gym tomorrow before work. will probobly lose all this motivation in like 2 days.
I'm happy that it's finally the weekend. We rented two movies, I thought they were both crappers, and feel delightfully asleep durning the second one. The stupid Shutter, and the stupid what was it called, the Ruins? I think so. I think the second was at least watchable over the first though.