say something about ... yourself!

wow, my parents are awesome but i dont think i could ever live at home again. i love my family because there is a basic understanding and we get along very well. if all i ever got was grief from them i would have as few dealings with them as possible. people suffer too much just because they're related to someone. if you dont like these people, why spend time with them?

I dun wanna go to the orthodonist tomorrow. The girl there looks like Jessica Alba and she's all leaning over me looking sexy but she dislikes me for some reason so it's nerve wracking. Then she does some thing with the metal hook thing that startles me and I kinda jump a little and she laughs at me. Every time I tell myself not this time, and god damnit tomorrow is going to be the day.
How was the play?

has tape on his middle fingers due to boredom, and wants a massive burger.

It was most excellent, I've never seen Sweeney Todd before. I haven't been to a musical or play in years, I've probably seen about 100 on Broadway and 40 or 50 on tour and Sweeney is up there on my list.

Also, just had a massive burger. Blitz got one too. :kickass: