say something about ... yourself!

Wow Steve, you're ex is crazy mang.

She is a crazy fucked up bitch, i gave her $100 for clothes yesterday...well i forgot to leave 6 bucks so she can get some pills and she freaks out saying its not about the money....

i dont fucking know she won't tell me whats going on im at work and im gonna punch her in the fucking crotch son of a bitch

*sorry im pissed*
There was one episode of Cheaters where these two guys were fighting over some fat chick and one of them pulled a fucking SWORD off the wall!
Why didn't someone call me?! I want to see this!

Slightly morose, due to contempt to family affairs I am aware of and (they're attempting to, at least) blackmailed to keep quiet over. Mainly jewelry that was expressly forbidden to be bought.