say something about ... yourself!

Just tired of the negativity and guilt trips that never ever fucking end. My mother is fucking insane. I left to go to Sarah's so we could make spaghetti and watch Nip Tuck and she screams at me for leaving and says she hopes I get AIDS and die. Then they don't have money for dinner so I order chinese to be delivered to the tune of 50 bucks and she sits there and stares at her food, takes a bite, starts to cry and throws it all in the trash. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK.
Don't you already have AIDS? And yeah..... don't get the food tossing bit. $50 for chinese? This some high class Benihanas type shit? (Yes, I know Benihanas is Japanese.)

Has real bacon too!
Don't you already have AIDS? And yeah..... don't get the food tossing bit. $50 for chinese? This some high class Benihanas type shit? (Yes, I know Benihanas is Japanese.)

Has real bacon too!

No, the Chuck Norris place. And yes I have AIDS but it's being managed. She wants me to die.

Seriously, EVERYTHING I say/do/think only gets negative comments. Those dresses I got for my birthday, she turned her nose up and said I'll look terrible in them. My hair is too long, I'm ugly. I bought a goddamn litter maid, she gets bitchy and says it must be nice to have money (for buying a fucking litter box?!). She buys Christmas/birthday gifts for everyone in the family, spends hours on ebay searching for the perfect gift and spends god knows how much on them. Know what I'm getting for my birthday? Same thing I got for Christmas. Not a goddamn thing. Except speeches and guilt on how they've done everything for me, how I've always been a problem. Yes, I'm living with them while I save for a house. I give them 500 dollars a month, I could have an apartment for that but I wanted to help them out and let Blitz have a yard. And yet Peter, Blitz and the cats and I have to stay in the bedroom all the time or they scream at us.

Oh, and I just got a lecture about how the fact that I've been living here for 4 weeks is too much of a strain on the house and how I should pay the 15,000 dollars to redo their plumbing. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Okay, rant over.

I'd invite you to come live with us, as you'd never receive criticism for not doing anything nor criticism for doing things, and my mom would buy you DVDEEEES. But, you'd have to live in the garage that probably still smells like cat pee.
Ah, yes, the nice place...

I'd have probably put someone in a coma and be in jail by now, you've got great restraint... or at least better than me. Damn. That sucks a lot.

I'd invite you to come live with us, as you'd never receive criticism for not doing anything nor criticism for doing things, and my mom would buy you DVDEEEES. But, you'd have to live in the garage that probably still smells like cat pee.

We'll all live in a 2 story shed house!
No, the Chuck Norris place. And yes I have AIDS but it's being managed. She wants me to die.

Seriously, EVERYTHING I say/do/think only gets negative comments. Those dresses I got for my birthday, she turned her nose up and said I'll look terrible in them. My hair is too long, I'm ugly. I bought a goddamn litter maid, she gets bitchy and says it must be nice to have money (for buying a fucking litter box?!). She buys Christmas/birthday gifts for everyone in the family, spends hours on ebay searching for the perfect gift and spends god knows how much on them. Know what I'm getting for my birthday? Same thing I got for Christmas. Not a goddamn thing. Except speeches and guilt on how they've done everything for me, how I've always been a problem. Yes, I'm living with them while I save for a house. I give them 500 dollars a month, I could have an apartment for that but I wanted to help them out and let Blitz have a yard. And yet Peter, Blitz and the cats and I have to stay in the bedroom all the time or they scream at us.

Oh, and I just got a lecture about how the fact that I've been living here for 4 weeks is too much of a strain on the house and how I should pay the 15,000 dollars to redo their plumbing. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Okay, rant over.

Hang in there. :(
They'll get it cleaned in the year 2455, maybe. After all, they can't let Derick pay for it to ever actually get it done.

Had delicious soup. <3
speaking of cookies

Cara made her delicious almond flavored cookies and they're soooooooo good that I think I'll eat another one right now.