say something about ... yourself!

eh? everything okay in steve-land?

i'm ... bored. i pretty much always get woken up around 6 am since that's when my mom wakes up to get the kids ready for school, and i live upstairs now so i'm right across the hall from her, and i usually can't get back to sleep. ugg.

today i'm gonna put together a resume for this insurance company that has an opening for an information-processor and a people-dealer-wither *feels all grown up*
I keep having these damn post apocalyptic society dreams. Like it's 20 years in the future and America has become even more fucked and the sky is a really dark green. Now I'm up early again with a bad adrenaline rush.
i am way more out of shape than i thought.

when i got up this morning, i was feeling really energetic and did some sit-ups and crunches. i felt pretty pumped after that so i decided to take a short run. it was only up and down my street. the street's about a quarter of a mile, but it's a downward slope and my house is at the top. so i run down to the other side, feel horrendous, and walk back up to my house. i get back, my chest and throat ache, i'm light-headed and my mouth tastes like blood. kiiinda worried me. it was really cold out, so the chill could have something to do with it, but ... jesus christ.
i'm about to get dressed to pick up food for my bitchy siblings, drop a story off to a friend, pick my bitchy siblings up from school, get bitched at by them while i fight my way through high school-drivers, drop them off at driving school, and give my resume to that insurance place i went to yesterday.
warning: RANT ahead. feel free to skip over.

i can't fucking take these kids anymore. i've had to pick them up from schools several times in the past 2 weeks to get them to drivers ed. there are 30 min between when school lets out and when drivers' ed begins. the drivers ed school is only about 5 min away from their high school, but 15 of those min are spent waiting for the buses to load up and leave as well as waiting for the rest of the traffic of drivers to spill out. and i'm also expected to get them food, too.
so, i drop off that app, see the friend at work, pick them up subs from subway, exactly as my mom texted me they wanted them.
i get to school and park in one of the front lots. my sister comes out first and pitches a fit about not having lettuce on her sub, as the text i got didn't say a thing about lettuce. so then my brother comes up and bitches about how i didn't pick him up around the back of the school. in my mind, parking in a lot where i know there's going to be a space makes a hell of a lot more sense that fighting through shitty traffic in the back and hoping there will be a free space along a curb where i can just sit and wait for him and hope i'm not blocking anyone. but what the hell, i'm a dumbass like that.
girl is still bitching about the lettuce. i inform her that i didn't have to come get here and put up with their shit, she tells me that since i'm driving my dad's car and living in my parents' house without paying rent, i'm expected to do what they need me to do. she bitches about her sub more and asks where i got it from, which i tell her. she says that i should've gone to another one that was closer, i say "oh well" and boy says "Yeah, and what about that gas money you always bitch about?"
i guess they wised up and got better when i dropped them off, but not by much. it's always the same shit with these kids and what sucks the most is that they're fucking right. i know siblings are supposed to be like this, but these kids are fucking malicious.

so yeah. FUCK! *explodes*
warning: RANT ahead. feel free to skip over.

i can't fucking take these kids anymore. i've had to pick them up from schools several times in the past 2 weeks to get them to drivers ed. there are 30 min between when school lets out and when drivers' ed begins. the drivers ed school is only about 5 min away from their high school, but 15 of those min are spent waiting for the buses to load up and leave as well as waiting for the rest of the traffic of drivers to spill out. and i'm also expected to get them food, too.
so, i drop off that app, see the friend at work, pick them up subs from subway, exactly as my mom texted me they wanted them.
i get to school and park in one of the front lots. my sister comes out first and pitches a fit about not having lettuce on her sub, as the text i got didn't say a thing about lettuce. so then my brother comes up and bitches about how i didn't pick him up around the back of the school. in my mind, parking in a lot where i know there's going to be a space makes a hell of a lot more sense that fighting through shitty traffic in the back and hoping there will be a free space along a curb where i can just sit and wait for him and hope i'm not blocking anyone. but what the hell, i'm a dumbass like that.
girl is still bitching about the lettuce. i inform her that i didn't have to come get here and put up with their shit, she tells me that since i'm driving my dad's car and living in my parents' house without paying rent, i'm expected to do what they need me to do. she bitches about her sub more and asks where i got it from, which i tell her. she says that i should've gone to another one that was closer, i say "oh well" and boy says "Yeah, and what about that gas money you always bitch about?"
i guess they wised up and got better when i dropped them off, but not by much. it's always the same shit with these kids and what sucks the most is that they're fucking right. i know siblings are supposed to be like this, but these kids are fucking malicious.

so yeah. FUCK! *explodes*

Poison their subs.
I'm pissed cause some fucking cunt threatens to break all my shit and to ruin my life before i get home from work and refuses to leave the apartment...

fuck i need a large dose of something......
Ate same Kroger birthday cake expecting it to be gross like most Kroger store cakes but it ended up being even more disgusting than I expected and then I heard a loud fart and it scared me so I got distracted while typing this.