say something about ... yourself!

Banana allergy can take two different forms: one associated with allergy to tree pollen, such as birch, and another type associated with latex allergy. People with birch-pollen allergy can develop symptoms either immediately or up to 1 hour after eating fresh banana or a banana-containing food. Symptoms comprise local reactions in the mouth and throat with itching and inflammation (called oral allergy syndrome, OAS).

Others develop banana allergy because of the similarity between the allergens in banana and natural rubber latex (e.g. gloves, condoms, balloons) a condition known as the latex-fruit syndrome. Symptoms developed by these individuals comprise generalised urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. These individuals often develop adverse reactions to chestnut, avocado, mango and kiwi.

phew! I'm glad it's the former
:lol: niiice. does it have a scene with some guy shouting "KRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGG!!!" as he cuts someone in half during an epic battle scene? that seems to be the trend nowadays...

oh yeah, and i'm hungry. all this talk of burgers makes me want something meaty and cheesy and greasy. mmm.

Nay, the Krug are Uwe Boll's version of Tolkien's Orcs. The whole thing is like a bad LOTR ripoff...but with ninjas. The battle scenes are actually TOO epic; my girlfriend actually fell asleep during one that was about twenty minutes long.
swear to god I know some of the shittiest people that don't give a goddamn about anyone else. Happy Birthday to me, 3 people call and bail out at the last minute. Fucking my pals lovers.
Well, you still have Cara, Derick,and Peter at least. :( Hope it turns out ok.