say something about ... yourself!

is waiting for guy at my work to text me my former manager's house/cell phone number so i can call any place that might be foolish enough to employ me and give them another number to reach her for a reference.
I'm assuming since it's "unrated" it likely has a bit more gore than the theatrical release, but I haven't seen it. I had a burned copy of High Tension, which I assumed was the unrated one, but upon watching it realized it must have been the Euro theatrical release. As it turns out, there was soooo much more in the US theatrical release than in that one. Highly limited gore, like you don't even see the head separate when she's looking into the lady's eyes through the closet, and nary a trace of the decapitated head sexing!
Ugh, I get home to find my stupid redneck, succubus, money stealing, lie telling, marriage ruining,whore of a cousin here along with her boyfriend of the week. If she isn't gone tomorrow I'm going to start shit with both of them and make her storm off like last time. She deserves it.
Ugh, I get home to find my stupid redneck, succubus, money stealing, lie telling, marriage ruining,whore of a cousin here along with her boyfriend of the week. If she isn't gone tomorrow I'm going to start shit with both of them and make her storm off like last time. She deserves it.

Dude, ok, tell her boyfriend that she has been having this "other guy" over and they would watch movies and stuff, you would hear giggling but you didn't care, then act like you thought it was HIM but your like

"omg i thought it was you!"

then somehow plant my phone number around have him call it and ill totally tell him i fucked her hardcore.