say something about ... yourself!

my mom's the one who makes then, too. all of my grandparents have been dead for a looong time.

my mom's adopted dad killed himself when she was 3, and her adopted mom died on xmas eve about 8 yrs ago. her house burned down the night before.
That's...sad. :erk: If she died in the fire don't specify about it it's very disturbing.
nah, she and my uncle managed to get out of the house unharmed. they were staying at my old house with us and the night after, my mom took my uncle out shopping for new stuff. i fell asleep, and my grandmother was sitting on the couch watching Lassie with my little brother and sister, then she kinda leaned over on my sister and they went to find my dad and tell him that "grandma isn't moving anymore."

yep. my grandmother died on christmas eve. on my sister.

edit: i guess that was actually more disturbing than her dying in the fire...