say something about ... yourself!

I was thinking the same thing. For someone that's so insecure and has trouble with anxiety, I think it's peculiar that he'd say he's not afraid of anyone.

Need moar answerz
I'm having a really difficult time NOT making this my wallpaper. Oh so sexy Darkness or oh so sexy Loomis?


I'm having a really difficult time NOT making this my wallpaper. Oh so sexy Darkness or oh so sexy Loomis?



I can't decide! That top is a dark and hot looking wall paper though.

Hhaha! I was nosey and looked at all your desk top short cuts! :p

I got gimp 2, on this pc, because of ram issues on this one. And I'm going to have to say I'm having trouble getting used to it.

On an entirely different note, two more of my wee baby dragons hatched! I'm afraid the last egg might look like the little green guy. I also found out that my baby dragons have to make it past infancy.

On a another different note, Someone in this house hold made a liar of me. You know those programs that will save a file by default in the farthest reaches on your hardrive? Well, I was looking for a file of mine, and kind of found someone's porn. :lol:
I have insomnia, kinda. I'm forcing myself to bed in a few minutes.

Goddamned amalgam beast isn't helping either...
yesterday - went to gym, then work, then friend's birthday dinner (at denny's haha)

at one point during dinner, i was talking and my jaw kept popping, which it's been doing frequently, when it locked up, like i could only open my mouth halfway. it came... unstuck, i think, later in the evening and then locked up again when i was brushing my teeth. it's fine now, though still popping.