say something about ... yourself!

Ahh damn that sucks. Sorry Cara :\

Is it's jagged enough to cut your tongue if you're not careful?
Have been on holiday this entire week, went kayaking every single day which was awesome. Although I left my sunscreen on car and NOT in the hatch of my kayak, so even with the hat and sunglasses I was wearing seven hours on the water in the bright sun, has seemingly burned my corneas, AND burnt my poor cheeks and nose! Damn glare! But I feel so physically good, and really content. I love spending this much time out of doors. And sleeping outside is amazing, even in a crappy ancient little tent.

Next time I go camping I want to go far enough away where no one in my party can use the internet! We had a house as a home base and I was one of only TWO people who wanted to sleep under the stars. LAME!

But I certainly didn't mind who my tent mate was :heh:

Ahh this week has been so good! Sorry to rant, but I haven't felt so good in a long time, probably since March/April where everything began to go downhill in my life, losing something I didn't even get to know, breaking up with a douchebag and getting fucked over, just normal life shit I know, but it was one thing after another. I finally feel like myself.


I read everything I missed, and yay to everyone's "happy news", and :( and good luck to those with not so good news, or ponderings.

And my shoulders really, really ache after today! Ouch!
Have been on holiday this entire week, went kayaking every single day which was awesome. Although I left my sunscreen on car and NOT in the hatch of my kayak, so even with the hat and sunglasses I was wearing seven hours on the water in the bright sun, has seemingly burned my corneas, AND burnt my poor cheeks and nose! Damn glare! But I feel so physically good, and really content. I love spending this much time out of doors. And sleeping outside is amazing, even in a crappy ancient little tent.

Next time I go camping I want to go far enough away where no one in my party can use the internet! We had a house as a home base and I was one of only TWO people who wanted to sleep under the stars. LAME!

But I certainly didn't mind who my tent mate was :heh:

Ahh this week has been so good! Sorry to rant, but I haven't felt so good in a long time, probably since March/April where everything began to go downhill in my life, losing something I didn't even get to know, breaking up with a douchebag and getting fucked over, just normal life shit I know, but it was one thing after another. I finally feel like myself.


I read everything I missed, and yay to everyone's "happy news", and :( and good luck to those with not so good news, or ponderings.

And my shoulders really, really ache after today! Ouch!

Hi Jen, sorry to hear you got sun burnt, but I'm glad you had fun! Sounds like your finally on the road to heart recovery, and the trip did you some good. It's really good to hear you in good spirits again! :)
Thanks guys :)

And UGH CARA that chipped tooth! I have to get a picture of mine, I chipped I think the same tooth you did, but on the STUPIDEST object... my OWN STUPID LITTLE TIN CAMPING CUP! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Haha. Now my "snaggle tooth" is even more snagggggly!

Yay, chipped tooth buddies!

I feel pretty dumb about mine. I was eating a donut which I'd stuck on a fork, wasn't paying attention, and bit right down on the fork. *crrrrunch*
gahh *hugs for cara*

jen- sounds like it was a great time. it's amazing how restorative vacations and away-time can be, and you definitely deserve it. i'm not really outdoorsy, but i love going for walks, in the city or on trails in the forest or wherever, because of how good they leave you feeling physically and emotionally.
