say something about ... yourself!

worked. lindsay is going through some shit with her ex/current/ex-again-boyfriend. was crying when we left. am worried about her.

went to the gym after work and worked out for literally two and a half hours. one of the staff members saw me come in and then saw me in the parking lot when i left and was like "holy shit, you're just NOW leaving?!?"
total endorphin rush. woo!

am going to a bar with work-friends tomorrow night.
went to see Greg Giraldo tonight in Philly. he fucking RULED! He made fun of me for a good deal of his set. :kickass: his direct support was from Jesse Joyce, who's been on Comedy Central.

I went with my friend, Andrew:
him "How could YOU get a job looking like THAT?! What could YOU possibly do?"

me "I work at Wal-Mart"


him "Hows that going for you?"

me "Store isn't open yet"

*crowd laughs*

him "So... you have an imaginary job? Couldn't you have thought of a BETTER job for yourself? Or at least a worse one like 'Oh, I work at a herpes clinic scraping warts off of the patients.... are you enjoying that second White Russian, by the way?"

me "Yep!"

him "So, you came here on a spaceship AND you have an imaginary job"

he kept going back to me throughout his set involving walmart and other stuff. good times!
him "How could YOU get a job looking like THAT?! What could YOU possibly do?"

me "I work at Wal-Mart"


him "Hows that going for you?"

me "Store isn't open yet"

*crowd laughs*

him "So... you have an imaginary job? Couldn't you have thought of a BETTER job for yourself? Or at least a worse one like 'Oh, I work at a herpes clinic scraping warts off of the patients.... are you enjoying that second White Russian, by the way?"

me "Yep!"

him "So, you came here on a spaceship AND you have an imaginary job"

he kept going back to me throughout his set involving walmart and other stuff. good times!

LOL! Sounds like a fun night! Damn, if you think about it, you helped him steal the show!
ugh, my band drove all the way out into sf with all our gear in a tiny ass jeep, and it turns out that the venue wouldn't let us play and we didn't know it and our singer fucking asked them if we could play even though we were under 21 >_< tons of driving, gas, and time for nothing on a thursday, lame.