say something about ... yourself!

Son of a bitch! Dexter is on Showtime. We don't get that. Guess it's a dvd rental thing.

We still have to see the second season, but DVD is how we watched it on Netflix. In fact they have the first season on watch it now. So that is how we did it. It makes you spoiled this way. I'd rather watch something in big marathon chunks now, rather then having to wait for next week for another hour.
yeh Passage is definitely the peak for me. Ceremony of Opposites is pretty awesome, Eternal is ok, and they get less awesome the further you go in each direction. as for Elegy vs Tales... i heard Elegy first so theres nostalgia, and it has more memorable songs i think.
That would be cool! I'm just glad you like it. I always get nervous when mailing one out. I've have art work that has disappeared forever into the bowels of the postal system. lol. I often wonder what happened to those.
^ so I have a kind-of funny story that relates:

My friend from NY had his birthday 2 months ago, and we always send each other like 5-10 funny cards at once, just for the heck of it,
so just like every year, I searched for a month in advanced for the perfect 6 cards, wrote in all of them, mailed each one individualy and waited
for his laughing phone call.. ...... that never came..
So like, on the day of his b-day I called to wish happy birthday, and asked him about my cards, which HE NEVER GOT.
I thought it was the wierdest thing: 6 cards disappeared!!!
Both of us were really bummed, but what can ya do about the USPS?
months go by, and a few weeks ago they showed on the Arlington local news that this 23 years old student stole thousands of envelopes and mail from the USPS mail boxes all
over Arlington... Fucking A, that explains how 6 envelopes disappeared. USPS said they recovered most of them and will resend them.
My New Yorker friend is still waiting :Smug: