say something about ... yourself!

has symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer, or:

* Clothing irritation

* Bra irritation

* Soap allergy

* Perfume allergy

* Fungal infection

* Hormone replacement therapy

* Paget's disease

* Allergy to laundry detergent

* Breast cancer

* Eczema

* See also causes of itching skin

* Nipple rash
Is almost drunk yet again. Can't seem to pass almost this week though, I seem to get too tired to lift the beer to my mouth, give up, and sleep.
laura: yes as well as many other websites. my left boob hurts and the nipple itches! blarrgh. if not better by next week then i'll have to go to the boob doctor :mad:

come with me, they can test your boobs for gout.
Is amused.

Joint flareups due to uric acid buildup in teh boobs? Laura, you never told us your titties were like arms.
you'd be amazed what they can do...

they feet only started bothering me after we all went out to a club and i wore those blue polka-dotted slippers that really pinched my big toes. it was the left one moreso that the right one, which is the one giving me trouble most of the time, but that seems like the most likely explanation.

but i'd love to get my boobs tested with you, cara! maybe we can test each others' boobs...