say something about ... yourself!

Hell, the last 3 were shitty teen movies.
Well, I agree there. I choose to deny their existence all together, actually.

The first 3 were just pulp scifi that we remember fondly because we saw them as kids.
Nuh uh, I rewatched all 3 relatively recently, and it confirmed that they're still up there with the great movies of all time, and for sure scifi.
Firefly, Farscape, and Battlestar Galactica (the new series, not the shitty shitty one from the 70s) are all required series. Those are all legitimately good (ie good writing, not embarrassing acting).
Star Wars movies are better than shitty teen movies? Hell, the last 3 were shitty teen movies. The first 3 were just pulp scifi that we remember fondly because we saw them as kids.

<- is pissed off because testament, laaz rockit and sadus are all playing which is the greatest lineup ever, but at a 21+ where even if i could get a fake id, it probably wouldn't work
You didn't seriously just try to justify the Star Wars trilogy as good Sci Fi by showing a picture from The Phantom Menace did you?

Oh Lord, no. I'm merely asserting that the Phantom Menace wasn't a hell-wash due to guys like Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon, Ewan McGregor... and select other few. Annnd because I'm I couldn't resist posting a picture of Qui-Gon. :saint:
i'm 17 but if there was a way to get in i'd definately need to find out. thats the greatest lineup. if i can't get in i'll convince one of my friends that they need to drive me down to la to see it at the key club.