say something about ... yourself!

FYE tell you to eat dick?
nah, im still employed there... getting more hours than i was previously (still nowhere near the full-time i'm supposed to be working though) ... my manager was just "let go" (aka fucked over), which is causing 2 of the other guys there to leave as well and we've got some new people coming over from a store that's getting closed down
soo... basically, everything's in this really shitty transition stage right now and is a big mess. even when everything's back to normal, i'll still be getting shit hours at shit pay and working with even less people that i like.
i'm looking for another job and i figure when i find one i'll just work at fye in addition to whatever other place. i need the monies.
I couldn't finish Resident Evil: Extinction...

worthless crap

doesn't follow the game, never fucking HAS...

oh we are stuck in Nevada and we need to get to Alaska. Oh, lets dodge killer crows and shoot at a flock of them with a deagle...fuck that dumb shit...

