say something about ... yourself!

ah, well religious people can go over the limit and become kinda crazy...

my step mom is the same way

"bring god into your heart blah blah"

"god will always love you no matter what"

god this god that, blah :puke:
my mom's new thing - i guess because of all the shit with my brother and sister recently and me being away from home for so long - is trying to domesticate me and ... i guess just teach me all the practical skills she never bothered to teach me when i was younger. so basically, it's like she's trying to teach a retarded kid life skills. she over-explains the simplest of tasks and just stands there and watches me carry them out so i just fuck shit up intentionally to make her realize how ridiculous she's being

i was on the phone with will and the brownies were done baking, so, since she was standing in the kitchen right next to the stove and all, she called me down to take them out of the oven ... because taking stuff out of the oven is a major life skill i need to be taught i guess. so i'm just sitting there after i get off the phone, seeing how long it'll take for the brownies to burn because she needs me to demonstrate that i have some cognitive skills.
I took handlebars last night and cannot remember anything. I woke up and started freaking out thinking how the fuck did I get here???? This so weird.

Will Bozarth:I don't like drugs! Fuck drug addicts!

Yeah sorry Will. And I'm not an addict!
Some kind of pill. They just make you feel really relaxed and slow motion stuff. This was the second time I've taken them. But really I just like them because I have tremendous general anxiety disorder at all times and they're the only thing in the world that gets rid of it.
Sorry sir! I didn't know that was the case,I just remember you saying something like fuck anyone who does anything or than weed but you just clarified was abotu everyday dependency so yeah .
i totally missed your previous explaination of what handlebars are. wtf are they?

are they over-the-counter or prescription?

Niether lol you get them from drug dealers. I really can't remember a damn thing from last night after taking them. Don't take them Laura they're bad for you!

Ahh here we are:

"3. handle bars

bars: little things that turn off the memory button in your brain, not like getting high at all. usually sold 2 for $5 or 3 for $5 if you get a good deal. sometimes used to numb the pain of something. gets you tired, sleepy, and slows down every process in your brain. when taking handle bars, be sure to be around trustworthy people, because your conscience will not be in effect at all when under the influence.
fyi, if you could bring mushrooms to chicago, that'd be greaaaaat [/lumburgh]

since i'm not in high school and don't work at walmart anymore, any "trustworthy" hook-ups i had (aka people who i knew weren't lacing weed with rat poison) are out ... and i just wanna get fucked up in chicago :lol:
fyi, if you could bring mushrooms to chicago, that'd be greaaaaat [/lumburgh]

I could bring mushrooms to Chicago for you if Will is ok with it. Not to say Will is the boss of you or anything but I'd consider him a best friend "despite only meeting him once" and if he dissaproved of it then you know, I wouldn't wanna make him mad, especialy since he's helping me out a lot letting me room with you guys.

But yeah going to concerts shroomed out is just amazing. Damn I still need to figure out how to get from the bus stop to Mokena. I don't have a job anymore so I'm gonna take a bus the whole way there haha. I've never left Texas though so I don't mind.
Can you guys give me a full review on The Pearl Room? I see so many shows going there, and I don't know wtf is in Mokena..