say something about ... yourself!

I could bring mushrooms to Chicago for you if Will is ok with it. Not to say Will is the boss of you or anything but I'd consider him a best friend "despite only meeting him once" and if he dissaproved of it then you know, I wouldn't wanna make him mad, especialy since he's helping me out a lot letting me room with you guys.

But yeah going to concerts shroomed out is just amazing. Damn I still need to figure out how to get from the bus stop to Mokena. I don't have a job anymore so I'm gonna take a bus the whole way there haha. I've never left Texas though so I don't mind.

I hear you can actually "see the sound" when you're shroomed out.
Shouldn't have put salsa in my quesadilla. I think it's safe to say now that I can no longer consume spicy foods. The pain of digestion is just too much. Wtf, maybe I have an ulcer?
no i'm pretty sure you can't actually see the sound. but taking shrooms during a metal show is a pretty bad idea, maybe half an 8th but anymore and you might freak out. too much insane noise everywhere and people.

It really helps me. I'm very anti social and nervous so I try to avoid going to shows sober. Then when I get to the front I just

*whirlwind bang bang bang bree bree pew pew rawr rawr eat Christians"

But moshing is retarded.
I just woke up at some guys house with a massive hangover and barely any memory of what happened last night, then had to walk over 5 miles to get home in the 30-something degree heat.

<3 Australia day.
John, i had a bad panic attack the other night and i had to leave work, these "handle-bars" help with anxiety?

im gonna go to the doctor for my panic attacks, but im just curious about these cause it would save me a trip to the doctor. It's starting to get bad now.
John, i had a bad panic attack the other night and i had to leave work, these "handle-bars" help with anxiety?

Oh yes they do. I have a constant massive anxiety rush 24/7 and they're the only thing I've tried that gets rid of it. For an actual panic attack I beleive they would work also, I'll take one next time I have one which at the rate things are going probably won't be long.

However they definitely cause memory loss. I have no memory of how I got home, and I freaked out when I woke up. It's really not something you want to take on a daily basis, you wouldn't be able to function well and you definitely shouldn't drive with them.