say something about ... yourself!

Let me know if you find anything that works! A friend of mine who also has GAD said hypnotherapy worked for him, but I can't afford it. Theres a guy on youtube named Mike Pekor that had a very interesting and seemingly effective way of relieving panic attacks and anxiety but I don't have to patience to do it everytime I'm stressed, which is all day.
Let me know if you find anything that works! A friend of mine who also has GAD said hypnotherapy worked for him, but I can't afford it. Theres a guy on youtube named Mike Pekor that had a very interesting and seemingly effective way of relieving panic attacks and anxiety but I don't have to patience to do it everytime I'm stressed, which is all day.

ill check it out, i don't feel like paying $3.50 for one bar...but if i have to i will cause its been getting bad...
<3 Buffalo Wild Wings

I have been up since early this morning with great intestinal distress, after spending late last night in belly agony. I must not have been able to digest the gator tail I ate for dinners. Although actually I felt fine all evening until I had a hungering and the only thing I could scrounge up was chocolate Kroger pudding cake and then it all spiraled out of control!

So I woke up and pooped then sat on the couch and read some junk mail I had laying around then I pooped some more then tried to go back to sleep but I was in too much pain so I pooped yet again and then I took a bath and that seemed to help.

There really was as much poo as I am implying.
One time I was there with some people and one guy was fairly drunk and he was eating wings with the Blazin' sauce, then went to go pee and when he came back he informed us that as he was standing there using the urinal all of a sudden the realization kicked in that his hands were covered in Blazin' sauce. It seems it didn't feel too good at all, hahaha.

You should try the Mango Habanero sauce if you haven't IT'S SO GOOD.
I'm reading a website about poop and I read " One can experience white poop after consuming a barium milkshake for the purposes of getting an x-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract. "

I want white poop!
Hyenas have white poop because they obtain their calcium by consuming the bones of their prey. Seriously, I've seen it.
Those things are crazy. I saw a show on Animal Planet one time about how the babies are viciously fighting with each other the instant they're born.