say something about ... yourself!

I'm having these weird mind trips "im drunk" about aliens. I mean, you Neverboarders are smart right? Aleins are real right? It's so weird that they're out there having conversations. What do they look like?
okay, so apparently there were a few twigs on my carpet. shit if i know, we might've tracked them in from outside or something - your guess is as good as mine. so my mom comes in and asks me why there are twigs on my carpet. her mentioning them was the first i noticed of the things. she asked me where they came from, i told her i didn't know, and she told me this:
"Why is everything with you 'I don't know'? Everything is you should know.*"

* - verbatim

she's crazy. just wanted to share! i figure det som would've gotten a kick out of it since we seem to have common ground as far as the insane jesus-loving mothers.

now back to your regularly scheduled programming