say something about ... yourself!

ewww, I smell like tuna fish!!!!!!!

Got a free flu shot today at work! I believe they were only supposed to be free for the actual employees and not the temps, but there were a bunch left over that the company had to pay for either way, so us temps who wanted one got one too. Ouch, sore arm.
Got a free flu shot today at work! I believe they were only supposed to be free for the actual employees and not the temps, but there were a bunch left over that the company had to pay for either way, so us temps who wanted one got one too. Ouch, sore arm.

Oh gosh, has it been a year already since I tried to put a santa hat on my Simen avatar?

How the days fly by. :(
I changed my user name. I'm married now and far from a nymph.

So I was sitting at a red light on my way back to work from lunch and when the light turned green I hit the gas ....and my car rolled into REVERSE. I looked down to make sure I hadn't accidentally put it in neutral or reverse, and sure enough it was in drive. I put the car in park and waited a moment, shifted back to drive, accelerated and the car went back AGAIN. I did it again and waited a minute and then it was okay. It scared the crap out of me so when I got back to work me and JR fucked around with it for about an hour and put some transmission fluid in, then did donuts on the roof of the garage til we were nauseous. Damn cars. It seems to be okay for the moment but now I'm scared to stop my car.