say something about ... yourself!

Whoa my perception of Neal has changed. I keep thinking of him as the back of a head but then I remember no that's wrong now he has a face. But I'm used to him looking like the back of his head which looks nothing like him.
Well I spent 2 weeks in Los Angeles and thought it was the most depressing place I've ever been to. But I'm sure that's probably the worst place on the West Coast to visit.

Visiting LA is like watching a biography of your brothers...

Well, not really, LA is like a festering boil on the ass of the West Coast, even us valley folk mock them. Your brothers have comedic value.
Has decided to just be friends with Scott (that man I've mentioned here, mostly during... troubled times haha)... and have a date with someone who wants the same things as I do, and who has amazing chemistry with me, and who I have had a crush on for a long while, as he has on me. So, in short, "has a date tonight"

Wish me luck :oops:
G'luck Jennifer. Hope it goes nice & sexy :Spin:

I have a second interview tomorrow with Wells Fargo. I'm not terribly crazy about the hours, but I could get used to it. It's a position in the operations department, basically just data entry of check & credit card transactions. Completely casual dress as there is no contact with the public or other departments. That ROCKS. The hours are 7 am - 3:30 pm, Sun-Fri with Wed & Sat off. Overtime is required but I haven't gotten an answer yet as to about how often they have to work overtime. If they regularly work a ridiculous amount of overtime then I'll have to pass. Guess I'll find out tomorrow when I meet with the manager :Smug:
Could be worse, the state job I worked and will work again when they have openings, you get a number every week or so, and the chance of overtime is high. You can find arrangements for people to take your place, but outright refusal can result in being stripped of your license.
Could be worse, the state job I worked and will work again when they have openings, you get a number every week or so, and the chance of overtime is high. You can find arrangements for people to take your place, but outright refusal can result in being stripped of your license.
And fuck that right in it's stupid ass. That's HORSESHIT.
It's part of my contract. If I could, I'd tell them to suck a dick. The good news is, finding people who love overtime was and is ALWAYS easy, I only worked it once.
Yeah I hear ya. I just feel like being forced to work 8 hours a day in order to survive in a society I really don't care about being a part of is enough horseshit as it is. I don't give a fuck about money so I'm NEVER going to sacrifice my free time for more of it and I think it's fucked that employers can force it on you.

I worked in a warehouse one time and sometimes when it got busy, they'd tell us right before the end of our shift to come in 2 hours early the next the next morning. On busy days there was always quiet chatter around the ware house... "you think they're gonna bring us in early tomorrow? I hope not, I gotta do bla bla bla, yada yada yada" and it just made things stressful because they NEVER mentioned anything until the very end of the day.

Once I told them I had plans the next morning (I didn't, of course) and couldn't make it in early and they freaked out on me. They gave me a huge guilt trip and basically made me feel like it would be a very bad mistake if I didn't come in early. They couldn't require it of me because (at least in WA) employers have to give I think 24 or 48 hours notice for required overtime. I went in at my normal time the next day and they weren't happy. Later on that month I went home one day just like normal and never came back.

I hate the concept of working for other people. I hate that it's virtually a requirement for survival nowadays and I think that when/if I ever stop working where I do now, I'm going to be in heaps of trouble because I won't be able to conciously convince myself that taking any job is worth my time.