say something about ... yourself!

this black guy asked me for my phone number (while i was on the phone with the credit company getting authorization for his card - moron), left when i didn't say anything, and then came back to ask me again. i shut him down in the bitchiest manner possible and feel some bad karma coming my way for it

had an awesome day, though. lindsay and i both had opening shifts so we got out around 3, went to the college to get respective school stuff done, went to this new coffee place hangout, then went to an antique store.

i don't work until 9 tomorrow so i have a few hours tonight to just chill out and read.

uh oh, he's gonna get some voodoo on your ass now.
he asked me if i had a boyfriend and i just said "I really don't appreciate being asked that right now." And then i realized that that response didn't make any fucking sense, but at least it got him to leave.

next time i ring that guy up is gonna be awkward.
I fucking hate email forwards from my mother. She believes everything the internet tells her and at least twice a week I get something about Johns Hopkins Cancer Cures or omg MISSING CHILD ALERT that can be debunked in half a second if you fucking google the goddamn story. Christ.

Oh, and I'm 26 next month. Christ.
I'm 27 3 days before that. 26 wasn't so bad, don't fret much.