say something about ... yourself!

Dear black people,
Please be quiet. Stop having a conversation from across the street of each other, or from opposite ends of a subway. Stop shrieking loudly while indoors (didn't someone fucking teach you "indoor voice"?). Stop using the walkie-talkie function on your phone, it doesn't make you look cool. Stop rapping out loud to whatever shitty song you're listening to while walking down the street, it makes you look crazy. No one, absolutely no one, is as loud as you. No one thinks you are badass or cool. Everyone just thinks you're annoying.
Also, take a fucking shower.

Your friend,
You forgot about them shutting the fuck up in the movie theater while the damn movie is playing. I feel as if they all bring someone blind with them, that they have to ask them if they 'just saw what happened' FUCK.
Dear black people,
if you can't act like civilized human beings, please fuck off back to Africa. Slavery is over, we don't need you anymore.

Your friend,

I hate all races. I mean I hate the people who portray the stereotypes of their race. I hate Arabs, Blacks, Jews, Asians... I hate them all, not because of their skin or religion however, I just hate the ignorant fucks that are literally a real life stereotype. I wish they'd fucking drop dead.
You forgot about them shutting the fuck up in the movie theater while the damn movie is playing. I feel as if they all bring someone blind with them, that they have to ask them if they 'just saw what happened' FUCK.

That happened when we all saw AVP-R in Towson. Plus we had that obnoxious man constantly texting on his phone during the movie. We should have said something, but the year or so before, some kids got stabbed by a black guy for asking him and his posse to stop talking during the movie.
^^I know, it's bad. If I am even like 3 feet from my girlfriend when downtown in a major city, a random my pals will try hit on her. It's happened many times. But then when I come back close and they see me they're like "Oh" and make some snide face and walk off to the next girl. I've said shit on many occasions but they just swagger off like they're so superior. The trouble with my pals is, you can't even call them out to a fight, because when they're alone they're quiet and won't do shit except walk away like they are so much better than you. But when they're with their friends they're the toughest people on the planet, a bunch of fucking punks who know that they will have 6 people fight against 1, and even then they'll use knives or a gun (in which case they'll miss you and shoot like 3 innocent bystanders). But honestly, WHO WOULD DATE A my pals LIKE THAT!? I am sorry to say but any girl that could date a my pals (not to be confused with a black man) is a fucking disgusting bitch. It's true what they say: Once you go black, you automatically become a whore and lose the respect of all civilized people!
A random funny story:

My older brother told me this story a few times, it happened when I was like 3-4 years old. Long story short, my brother said in the middle of a huge brawl one my pals was chasing him with a baseball bat but he was too fast for the my pals to catch so the my pals got mad and threw the bat at him. My brother just stopped immediately, picked up the bat, and went after the my pals and smoked him upside the head :lol:
it's the funniest thing, though. where i work, i've noticed how similar "gangsta" black (and white) men and degenerate white trash are. and they all go for "us" with the same lame-ass pick-up lines/gross sexual propositions in the same disgustingly brash manner, despite the many things going against them:

either physically imposing and scary or borderline malnourished/crackheadesque rail-thin physique
dead fishlike eyes or a predatory stare that's straight off a wanted poster
horrible hygiene
their teeth are either missing or gold
clothing that's either torn and stained or from a South Pole/Mecca store and looks FUCKING RETARDED
swagger from a prison yard
the grammar of a person with Downs' Syndrome
a voice like someone who just got punched in the jaw
A random funny story:

My older brother told me this story a few times, it happened when I was like 3-4 years old. Long story short, my brother said in the middle of a huge brawl one my pals was chasing him with a baseball bat but he was too fast for the my pals to catch so the my pals got mad and threw the bat at him. My brother just stopped immediately, picked up the bat, and went after the my pals and smoked him upside the head :lol:
One guy at the pizza counter will make oogly eyes and convo only on the days that I'm wearing makeup. I go in there often enough that he knows who I am, and yet I'm invisible if I'm not "pretty".

Conversely, the two guys at the burger counter is just plain awesome. They also recognize me and with a simple nod will have my order ready for me.