Scald review:

I enjoyed that one. You should send Pete your review so he can post it on their site. ANd you were quite correct when you said that most people in ths forum would enjoy Headworm. No doubt PJ, NAD, BWD, BloodstainedWalls, and possibly 'Gugs would like it. JayK and Demonspell might like it simply for the acoustic, proggy, avant moments.

island-of-neglected-and-underrated-metal-bands known as Ireland.
No shit, man. Such good stuff comes from here, but everyone ignores it because they think all bands sound either folky or pagan like Cruachan or Waylander or Primordial.

It is quite possibly a crime, punishable by severe torture and eventually death, that Scald had to release Headworm, their first “proper” album, on their own label. With some of the absolute CRAP labels are pumping out these days, Scald should have the labels fighting over them.
Ain't this the fucking truth. If metal labels would actually concentrate on releasing quality music instead of following a trend in hopes of landing the next-big-thing, the metal scene would thrive. Scald would fit snuggly on Earache, Metal Blade, Relapse, Willowtip, etc.

If I had to make one recommendation it would be to make The Tasmanian Devil’s vocals a little more decipherable.
Agreed. I like these vocals a lot, but sometimes it can simply sound like dude is screaming for no reason, when he is actually spouting lyrics.

I really hope Scald gets signed. That way, a label can re-release their hard-to-find demos, and give Headworm a proper release. Of course, having the association with the word "grind" never helps, as fckle metal listeners immediately think of "noise with a guy grunting the whole time."
I always send a link of my review to the band immediately after the review. Plus I am going to do an interview with Scald as well. The band is working hard to get noticed, so they should answer my emailed questions much faster than most bands do.

I only called Scald "grind" because no other genre is as experimental. I really think the new Akercocke has a lot in common with 'Headworm'. They don't necessarily sound alike, but musically they cover a lot of terrirtory without sounding like a big mess of musical sytles.
The band themselves call their music avart garde prog-grind or something like that. But when most non-death metal listeners hear "grind", it's immediately ignored.
J. said:
JayK and Demonspell might like it simply for the acoustic, proggy, avant moments.
After that write up, I would def be willing to give it a try if a CD-R came my way.

No shit, man. Such good stuff comes from here, but everyone ignores it because they think all bands sound either folky or pagan like Cruachan or Waylander or Primordial.
Nothing wrong with Cruachan or Primordial (although I've never heard Waylander I don't think) :tickled: , although I know what you mean after hearing that In Unison compilation. I'll dig that out later today - there were some brilliant tracks on that release.
JayKeeley said:
Nothing wrong with Cruachan or Primordial (although I've never heard Waylander I don't think) :tickled: , although I know what you mean after hearing that In Unison compilation. I'll dig that out later today - there were some brilliant tracks on that release.
Nothnig wrong wth Cruachan at all and definitely nothing wrong with Primordial. But those, along with Waylander are Ireland's most recognizable bands, so a lot of people think all bands sounds pagan-ish or use flutes and tin whistles. Ireland is very fertile with grind (Abaddon Incarnate, Scald), doom (Mourning Beloveth, Arcane Sun), -core (Stand Up Guy), and just some weird good stuff (Hexxed).

Not too familiar with much Irish black metal, :err: , but I think a band called Carnun was quite the shit before they broke up.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of bands.
OK so Pete Dempsey sent me a copy of Headworm and I just got it today.

I love this from their press release info:

"File Under: Just Make a New File". :grin:

For a self-release, this looks great. Nice slip case and the artwork is cool too.

From the people who've heard it (J., Nate, anyone else?), who at RC do you think will appreciate it the most for writing a review? I have a feeling this should go to the NADster...
NAD or BWD. Either one will love it. So send it to whoever has a smaller pile of unlistened-to music.

JayK, give it a spin for yourself. Who knows, you may dig it.