The Power of a Royal Carnage review compels you...

Agalloch show was brilliant. I felt that if I didn't go, I would deserve to get beats with a stick.

I know I'm late to this thread, but I want to have a say too....I've even been sent 4 e-mails complaining about the thread (directed at me, Papa Josh, and npearce). Everyone else got off lightly! I actually thought npearce was pretty innocent!

This is mayhem. Could this be a better thread than the Celtic Frost thread though? That one's still a gem I reckon.
Burkhard said:
It´s about that implying that it would be good news/funny if a vocalist you dislike killed herself is simply tasteless! It´s like saying: "This world would be a better place, if she was dead, because her voice sucks."
You know, when I made up that fake police report (yes, it was fake I'll have you all know), I thought that everyone would get the play on words with regards to the "rusty spoon" and "pint of bleach". Burkhard - you've even read my Madder Mortem review so I thought you would see the funny side of it.

I know that JayKeeley´s wording was different, but some people seemed to find the thought of Agnete Kirkevaag killing herself very entertaining.
Are you talking about people in general or just in RC?

Third, JayKeeley´s way to compare Monika´s vocals to "getting arse raped by two dudes" and Agente´s vocals to "getting arse raped by three dudes" wasn´t funny at all, either (as well as some other posts in the same vein). It sounded like: "Oh, you got arse raped by two dudes? Cheer up, it´s still better than listening to Agnete Kirkevaag´s vocals!" or "Oh, you got arse raped by one guy? Still better than listening to Monika Edvardsen´s vocals!" and people just start laughing their heads off.
Damn, I thought I was being supportive when I wrote Atrox > Madder Mortem !! I still believe that too. The whole thing about being arse raped by multiple gentlemen was really just a continuation and thread jack of the dentistry comparison. Someone said something about root canal I believe.

You tell me to accept their criticism, but don´t want to accept mine? Is this a one-way road?
Heh, to be fair, and this was already pointed out, this is the RC forum, not the Atrox or code666 forum. It's therefore the equivalent of you coming into a private conversation demanding to be heard.
NAD said:
Well that makes perfect sense to me! :lol:
i'll translate further...

"Good lord why is it that the Europeans always seem to think that everyone else is moronic and "substance-less"? As NADster says, "this wire stopped and renounced there is a lot of a lot of moons to be" on the subject of atrox and their sensitive, trollish, former singer. It is important that this is OUR SCREWED-UP FORUM and OUR SCREWED-UP WEBZINE, and, the last time i checked, meant we could write what we fucking wanted, no?
The Celtic Frost thread touched on so many levels, that one will be hard to beat. The watches bit was fucking classic!

I'm still shocked some people took this thread seriously. I guess if you don't hang around the forum on a daily basis like most of us maybe you'll miss some of the sense of humor. But come on... taking this thread seriously is like watching Monty Python's Holy Grail and expecting to come out with a full history on the Middle Ages.

Actually, there is quite a lot to be learned from that movie. Ignore what I just said. :hypno:
:lol: This thread has been an extremely hilarious read and that translation site rules. :worship:

"Until all the internal marks of the wage it has taste of this thousand
reasons the nine, that one that arrests with the work emits the strong
master." Whatever that is suppose to mean. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
I know I'm late to this thread, but I want to have a say too....I've even been sent 4 e-mails complaining about the thread (directed at me, Papa Josh, and npearce). Everyone else got off lightly! I actually thought npearce was pretty innocent!
A directly good boy is he :D

(or rather - I've been a good boy! God I'm going to get addicted to that translator!)
I'm also surprised that this thread caused such an uproar and the jokes were misinterpreted as being hostile towards its satirical targets...anyway, here are my comments from earlier in the thread put through translator hell:

- Geisteskrankeres of the hour therefore the Mortem can only follow the
example relative.

- It finds its friend, the end that will be burned by others, the end to
wake up above of the intelligent man next to a other man
This is an incredibly funny thread !! I absolutely adore idiots especially when they come onto this forum thinking it to be an extension of another foum like code6666 or whatever.

Burkhard, honestly, what planet are you on? Have you not heard the term, "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?"

Mr Chocolate Klaair - you are a bafoon my friend and I have something for you:

What is him about the French who find by chance as baffoons pompeux.Never in my apogee, have read me a sight of entertainment expressed by an imbecile. Thank God for the battle of Trafalgar and Nelson praise differently we would have been forced to speak French for eternity.

Thank you and G'day.
Maybe I lack a sense of humor, but I never thought the "incident" with Atrox was funny at all. oh well, life goes on. :)
J. said:
Maybe I lack a sense of humor, but I never thought the "incident" with Atrox was funny at all. oh well, life goes on. :)

Perhaps I miss d'un direction of l'humour, but I n'ai ever
thought the "incident" with Atrox was funny well with whole
OH, the life continues.

(aka, if nothing else, at least we got that translator out of it. How the crap did you not find the ">" comparisons funny? :tickled: )
Reading this thread made me want to listen to Atrox again, so I am right now.

I guess I'm just a freak 'cause I think her voice is cool. She doesn't quite have the range of Karyn Crisis or Dawn Crosby, but she's interesting. Kind of like Bjork on crack. Music is pretty decent, too. I'll have to pick up one of their CDs one of these days.
I kinda liked her voice, only heard one track though. Either way, this thread > Atrox.

EDIT: Just in case better throw a disclaimer out. This thread is better than Atrox, in my opinion only, not the opinions of everyone at Royal Carnage, Ultimate Metal, or any random spybots patrolling the place. This comment was meant for humour only, not to be taken seriously. Post may cause drowsiness, use at own discretion. No warranty or injury claims may be made due to the effect of this post. You cannot pass Go and you cannot collect $200.