The Power of a Royal Carnage review compels you...

jimbobhickville said:
Reading this thread made me want to listen to Atrox again, so I am right now.

I guess I'm just a freak 'cause I think her voice is cool. She doesn't quite have the range of Karyn Crisis or Dawn Crosby, but she's interesting. Kind of like Bjork on crack. Music is pretty decent, too. I'll have to pick up one of their CDs one of these days.
You are a fucking freak.

Karyn Crisis is leagues beyond that wench....
This thread reminded me of the Agalloch gig. And what a show it was...Novembers Doom, Agalloch, and The Gathering. The first two were kickaRsE (cos I didn't stay for TG)! :kickass:
Papa Josh said:
That's it, I'm convinced, you truly are gay! Heather, you can stop covering for him now... :heh:
It was because of Heather that I had to leave! She was waiting back in the hotel for me! Still, it doesn't change the fact that:

Agalloch > Novembers Doom > The Gathering
Klaair said:
I am really agree with you ...
But I just think that many people on this thread are just to stupids...

you don't like some vocals ? ok ... as you wish but you don't critic them as professionnals, you just have 2 words of vocabulary : "shit" and "anal"
I don't understand why you need to harrass singers you don't like ... if you can't stand their voices, just listen to something alse...

But sure is it very FunnY to say insults, hidden by nicknames and computers ..!

Erik said:
i am really the agree,,, maybe this "royal the carnage" shall grows up and not harras with the foul bad words coming , out of their mouth . like childs : only can says "shit" and "anal" and "i dont like so much" , just listen to, something: else. when you have running magazine , you don't "critic" the artist's.

...! good thing my vacabulury is gooder.

pure fucking gold :lol: x 14 jagillion

Christ people, this Klaair is French, show some mercy! And she's a nice chick too, met her IRL. I think she even had an Atrox fanpage thing going on :loco:

That said this thread is freakingly kvlt, I wish we had more of them these days :cool:
what the 10 fans they had? :loco:
the band called it quits about the same time this review came about ...
:Reign in Acai:

Seriously, this thread simply must be bumped every so often to give everyone who hasn't seen it a chance and also as a nostalgia gift to the remaining classic RC'ers.


At least, to their credit I was not banned from their forum, but I said what I said and meant what I meant... those vocals were just horrendous to me, 100 percent...

I have been banned from Katatonia and I can't even remember why... :blush: :hypno: :lol: