Scald review:

I've been slacking with reviews lately, but my pile is in the single digits (I think). I'd love to hear it either way.
fuck its great to see some scaldic interest being generated
cheers lads.
glad you like the art plug!

I think Nathan's review is fine, its not easy to make comparisons sometimes but it's necessary for the reader to make some sort of connection.
I have no problem with the term grind, I love grind and to me its as much about that thick crusty sound as anything, to me Deviated Instinct were a grind band but they're not fast or anything, same goes for doom.
I have more of a problem with death metal tag really, nothing against the genre except that I can't see how we crossover there. no sweat though.
Prog is another thing, to me it just means progressive, as in moving forward, being experimental. but we are all fans of old 70's prog bands.

Anyway cheers for all that.

The Irish scene is indeed improving, the number of good bands per head of a small population isn't unique, but I think the diversity is.
thanks to there has been a lot more co-operation too.
a couple of bands that you may have missed out on there,

The Dagda - raging metallic epic hardcore,
Putrify - super heavy brutal death,
Witch Hammer - speedy black stuff,
Condemned - excellent spazzy death,
Epoch - progressive acid metal..or something, weird shit anyway.
the Naut- doomu harsh stoner
carraig - stoner, great vocals
antimatter - transcient rock
shadow season - excellent black stuff
devil makes three - death rock
lesshelp - anti-spide grind
Primal dawn - much improved techno death

stand-up guy have a new album out ofn distortion project records very soon, worth checking that out, I just finished up on the sleeve of that last week

hexxed have a couple of releases coming soon

the mighty primordial have just signed to metal blade

and the best doom this side of anywhere mourning beloveth have a new album in the pipeline

theres a new abaddon incarnate album out too

I could go on but those should give you an idea of some of the overlooked talent here, like anywhere there are some shit bands too, but generally standard is good

right, better get some fucking work done
keep the scald flag flying
the tanks are coming
I'm a big fan of Irish metal. I feel it is quite an overlooked I've already got the new Abaddon Incarnate. I have the new Void of Silence on order (with Alan on it). I am very interested in getting some Hexxed. The song I heard on In Unison was quite interesting and different to say the least. I've got to get my hands on the new Stand-Up Guy when it comes out. I like the two demos I have, but they are so short, it leaves me wanting more.

Of the list of bands you've mentioned, I've only heard of The Dagda and Condemned.
Promo's are packed and ready to go, but I'm sure anyone on staff will rip CD-Rs for others on staff where necessary.

EDIT: Except Scald - that will go out next week. These promos going out are the ones that came in last week.

BWD - you're getting Void of Silence and Fall of the Leafe sent to Taylorsville, so you can add this to the 100 CD's you ordered last week! :loco:
:loco: maybe you should buy it :loco:

haha, only kidding burn ahead.

got our first shit review, or should that read 'shitski'
from a russian magazine, can't read it but its 1 out of 5 and very short
anyone have any contacts that can translate russian?

by the way, the new void of silence is fucking great, bleak stuff!
I know a guy that can read Russian, at least I think he can. Send me the review or a link and I'll pass it on to him.
cheers J

hope that shows up
I've just updated the scald site, with a link to it on the quid novi page if that doesn't work
J. said:
I think JayK should review it, then send t to NAD or BWD. That woud be cool, oh yes sir.
That's another reason why I'm holding on to it for another week. I'll be in Cincinatti all week, and I get lots of time for music on the CD walkman, rental car driving, etc.

If I'm not 'getting it' by the end of the week, then it'll go to either NAD or BWD. However, if the penny drops, they can both get CD-Rs from me and I'll give it a glorious write up. Watch this space for new upcoming feature...:grin:

@unhinged: unwritten rule at RC: CD-Rs are for reviewing purposes or checking something out before buying. [Just check our Purchases thread for ample evidence]. We'll also share/exchange promos out with our other forum visitors here, so long as they're zine writers, just so they can publish another review and help provide some further exposure to the band. :cool:
cheers J

and Jay, I really have no problem with your uses of cdrs, or indeed people trading our stuff by that means, I do enough of that myself. :)
if it spreads the word about, then cool.

the only time thats ever a problem with me is when I see people with cdr copies for sale, thats just not on, that and publishinbg stuff that doesn't belong to them on the web without permission. that goes for art too of course...ooooh that gets my goat up
unhinged said:
and Jay, I really have no problem with your uses of cdrs, or indeed people trading our stuff by that means, I do enough of that myself. :)
if it spreads the word about, then cool.

the only time thats ever a problem with me is when I see people with cdr copies for sale, thats just not on, that and publishinbg stuff that doesn't belong to them on the web without permission. that goes for art too of course...ooooh that gets my goat up
Yeah man, I'm with you. I just didn't want anyone to think that I spend half my time maintaining a site, or paying for the site, forum, and promo mailings, just so I can get the occasional freebie slipcase promo, *most* of which sound like another friggin' melo-death recycling plant.

Of course, anyone who knows me understands that I do this all for the groupies. :loco: