Scariest/Spookiest Experience?

Reaping Clarity

The Grimmest Reaper
Sep 5, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Whats the scariest/spookiest thing ever to happen to you? whether it be from something paranormal or just some random freak following you, please share your stories. I'll post mine later, it's late now and I cannot be screwed =D.
The scariest experience I've ever had is a result of dreaming. I've said this before but I've had some pretty fucked up dreams that have led to me having sleep paralysis when I wake, not even being able to move my neck or anything at all. Those dreams are all wrong and each start out with simple things that are noticeably bizarre of different and then progress into darker things. As cliche as it sounds, I've had dreams threatening me with words written on walls in blood, and also being able to physically feel things like having my teeth & their roots involuntarily twisting out of my mouth until they fell to the ground, I’ve been lying on my back unable to move while being swarmed by zombies and not being able to defend myself etc, and I’ve also had some ‘hallucinations’ if you want to call them that because of these dreams when I wake.
Yeah I Do Too

Ok...I Was Walking Down By The River With A Friend In The Middle Of The Night, It Was Like 2:30 A.m., So We Were Walking...And All Of The Sudden Some Guy Pops Out...Like 20 Yards Ahead Of Us...We Were 15 At The Time...So We Got Freaked!!!

Next Thing...The Guy Starts Walking Towards Us...And Pulls Out A Knife...We Turn Around And Start Running...The Guy Follows Us Until We Reach The Park By My House...Then We Lose Him...So We Decide To Go To This House That Abandoned...It Was Sort Of Like A HideOut For Teens...We Stay There OverNight...I Didnt Sleep A Minute Because I Was Fucken Scared...

I Go Home Around 3:00 Turn On The TV...And The Guy...Was On TV...That He killed Some Girl Earlier That Day...He Was Shot And Killed When He Tried To Kill A Police...
Some kid tried to drown me when I was like 7 years old. That was pretty intense. I barely survived.

If only he had succeeded....
Some kid tried to drown me when I was like 7 years old. That was pretty intense. I barely survived.

If only he had succeeded....

Don't be such a fucking Emo, live life to the full, appreciate what you have and look to the future! :kickass:

My scariest experience would probably be my first time performing in front of a crowd. I've always had this phobia of people judging me by absolute detail. Every note has to be correct, every stance, every word I say. I used to get panicked by this and shook like a demon and mess things up. My first performance was no different, but after a while I got used to the atmosphere and grew to love it.
The few really frightening experiences I've had are too personal to share.

Freaky and kind of scary stuff though, are the numerous times I've had sleep paralysis, I still get it sometimes, but very rarely.
3 years ago, me and my friend wandered around in some grave yard at 2 in the morning in the middle of nowhere.
Don't be such a fucking Emo, live life to the full, appreciate what you have and look to the future!

I hate how unless you are a complacent person you are called "emo" these days, but then, people will always be weird like that. People and their fads...
Sorry if I offended you in anyway I can be such an asshole sometimes :lol: 'emo' was the first word which came in my head when I was trying to say what I wanted to say. But really if you wanna talk about any problems etc feel free, it does seem pretty baddass and I'm sure there are people here who'll understand ;)
No offense taken. I just hate programmed responses to things. Actually I saw that one coming.

Don't mind me...I am not a fatalist, but a realist. Unlike 90% of people I am not trying to provoke a response when I post what I am thinking. It is just what I am thinking.
One time I only had to wait 10 minutes at the DMV to renew my license. That was very strange, a little scary too.

In 1980, I was 4, I woke up in the bathroom on the floor and some crazy man standing over me with a chainsaw, then he started it up and was buzzing it a foot from my face. I cried. Then when more light shined in I saw who it was, my Dad. We watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre the night before so this was his way of scarring me I guess it worked. The blade was so close I could feel the wind from it.
Today I am a horror writer. My whole life changed from that one event. Also have some mental issues but nothing a little (ok, alot) of meds wont fix.
I've said this before but I've had some pretty fucked up dreams that have led to me having sleep paralysis when I wake, not even being able to move my neck or anything at all.
When you dream you are always paralyzed. When you wake up it's probably because your body hasn't transfered back to a different mode of sleep or being awaken. That happened to me, where I was dreaming about being in the middle of a war and someone threw a grenade at me. In the dream I yelled "FUCK YOU" then I died. So I woke up and found that I couldn't move at all. For a second there I thought a grenade really hit me. About twenty seconds later I could move everything again.