
A. Iverson

Jul 17, 2005
hey everybody first time poster here, forgive me if this has been discussed before but im in urgent need of your help....

so ive been playing on regular guitars (6 strings) for about 6 years now and i want to try something new so i getting a 7 string,,, im this close to ordering this beauty, obviously this isthe best place to get advice from... so any reason why i shouldnt?



also recommend me any other 7 string guitars that you think might be better within that price range ($700)

I don't see why not. They are great guitars, but they have their limitations just like any other mass-produced guitar.

Some people don't like the thicker than usual neck, it's also longer, I think (The "Schecter" scale length is like 26.5, I think?) But I prefer thick necks anyway.

It wouldn't be bad to pick this guitar, but I wouldn't buy it without looking for other guitars first. Check out some of the Ibanez 7 strings, I think they have one for about $300, but I'm not sure.

KxK also makes some fucking badass seven string models, but their are a bit pricey, maybe that can be for your second seven. :)
The second guitar in your post is a C-7 blackjack and not a hellraiser. I have a hellraiser in black and an H-307 esp. The 307 is much easier to play and is about 75x harder to get in good shape compared to the hellraiser. The schecter is also easy to play but im told i have the hands for it. The schecter will be crisp and you wont regret buying it, and it only takes 10 seconds to get used to playing a 7 string, unless you can't get your head around the fact that it's not an alien device that fell to earth. Some people dont realize that 7 string guitars are 6 string guitars but with one string more. If you can play a 6 string you can play a 7; its not like switching from a 6 string guitar to a trombone or something.
another tip ......

Masturbate alot using your left hand. It helps to stretch the fingers so you can reach the new string :)

I can't even eat with my left hand how the heck will I masturbate?Any other useful tips for the left hand ?
i say get it, it's basically the loomis models without the maple fretboard. it is a baritone scale but you can get used to it, and the larger neck is sorta like a classical acoustic guitar if that helps gauge at all. but shecter has some nice guitars

It likes the Loomis model, beside the fact that the Loomis sig is far superior.
thanks for all the feedback guys much appreciated , another thing i meant to ask, im more concerned with the clean tone of this guitar, how does it sound? is this just a purely 'metal' guitar?