

Jun 10, 2008
after i postet an ibanez link in this forum the answer decided myself to give schecter a try.
i need a guitar as second guitar with a tremolo. schecter has got very cheap guitars and i want to know are they any good?
Schecter guitars are some of the best you can buy for the money in my opinion. Although very affordable, they come with good pickups (blackouts or EMGs) as stock, and original floyd rose bridges instead of licensed ones.

I own 2 Schecters myself and I am very happy with them. They are constructed well and are very reliable.

Make sure you try some out though, as they aren't for everybody. If you aren't used to big feeling guitars then you might not like them, because they feel huge.
I can't fault the quality of Schecters, but I wouldn't say it's better than ESP LTD, which I prefer the feel of (thinner bodies and necks, or rather not ridiculously fat IMO bodies and necks :D) BUT, Schecter offers original Floyd Roses on guitars under $1k, whereas ESP LTD doesn't, so that's a perk in their favor I admit!
I can't fault the quality of Schecters, but I wouldn't say it's better than ESP LTD, which I prefer the feel of (thinner bodies and necks, or rather not ridiculously fat IMO bodies and necks :D) BUT, Schecter offers original Floyd Roses on guitars under $1k, whereas ESP LTD doesn't, so that's a perk in their favor I admit!

Exactly my opinion, great guitars, great value, but you gotta like their necks : after trying some for a few weeks at guitar stores now, I'm pretty sure I don't (and never will).
Schecter, for some reason, get a beatdown on other forums, but I can't understand why. I own a Schecter myself, a C1+ in a faded cherry finish, it's great to play, it can compare with some much more expensive instruments, but best of all is the price for value you get! On top of that I think it's one of the best looking guitars I've ever seen :D


Now that's some nice chunk of Guitar for the 380 bucks I ended up paying for it brand new :) (got a deal on eBay)
One of my band mates has a C1 Classic and I really wasn't keen - not sure why, I just wasn't feeling it. Oddly enough, I then tried out another one exactly the same a few weeks later... and thought exactly the same about that one :lol: I didn't think they sounded all that great either. Action, finish and all that nonsense were great on both though. I actually didn't mind the necks either, despite having tiny lady hands.

Definitely a taste thing though I think - I have a history of guitars that everyone else hates but I love. I know quite a few people whose playing/opinions I really respect that swear by them, so I'm happy that it's me being odd and not the guitars :p

Back when LTD's were Korean, many of the Schecters were actually built in the same factory. They're quality is pretty much the same, I think.
Schecter, for some reason, get a beatdown on other forums, but I can't understand why. I own a Schecter myself, a C1+ in a faded cherry finish, it's great to play, it can compare with some much more expensive instruments, but best of all is the price for value you get! On top of that I think it's one of the best looking guitars I've ever seen :D


Now that's some nice chunk of Guitar for the 380 bucks I ended up paying for it brand new :) (got a deal on eBay)

Hey, I'm looking to replace my LTD EC-400 with a C1+ DBSB! How do you think it compares? Also, I've only played the C1 SheDevil with a longer scale and really liked the neck profile (it was quite a bit thicker than my LTD), do you know if the profile is the same for the C1+?
You can't beat them for the money. They come stock with components that guitars in excess of $2,000 only start to implement here.

I've been a happy Schecter user for years now, and I happily use them for recording professional quality releases. In fact I much prefer them to a great many other guitars out there for the purpose, and certainly much more so than any others in the same price bracket!

The necks on the 6-strings are an acquired taste. I have a 7, so the extended thickness is mitigated by the width of the neck. Problem solved.
I've owned a Schecter C1 classic for 4 years now, and an LTD EC-500 for 1 year (sold it) and an LTD Mh-400nt for 1 year (have it still). I'd say the craftmanship on LTD and Schecters are fairly similar, both my guitars have nice action finish and sound.

I did put EMGs in my schecter though, I wanted the extra bite. To date my schecter is still the nicest feeling guitar I've played (save for a 9 year old custom shop Gibson LP with filed down frets and thin sanded neck).
i am playing a sl1 jackson at the moment. its an expensive guitar so i don't want to carry this baby around by train etc.
i know jackson has got a thin neck...but i have a gibson les paul at home from a friend of mine. i can play on it too.... maybe schecter is the right guitar?
Is anyone else here an avid Schecter 7 string user? Most of you are talking about the 6 string versions, but I don't own one personally.
Yes, the 7s have better feel to me. I use a C7 Hellraiser. I've toyed with the idea of getting 81-7s into it, but I find the 707s force me to play tight and the brutality that comes forth from that axe is just epic.
Nice. I have a C7 Hellraiser and a Loomis sig - both with blackouts.

The Hellraiser actually had a prototype set of pickups in it ... 81-7 and 60-7. I took them out because I like 'playing' blackouts more, although I think the EMG's record better.