Scotch or burbon??

And I'd never recommend Laphroaig or Ardbeg to a Single Malt noob.

You're right, I was moreso recommending it to the whisky fans, they aren't exactly cheap so the 13 yr old OP or a scotch noob probably wouldn't fork out for it.

Scotch is whisky, but not every whisky is Scotch

The Scots spell it whisky whereas bourbons, Irish, etc. are spelt whiskey. There is more to it than spelling, Irish whiskey is triple distilled, Bourbons are made with corn instead - these are just the very basic differences.

I don't think it's that bad but Jim Beam is where I'd put my money.


I think that's dependant on the use: I'd use either JD or JB for mixing purposes but as for drinking them purely (Considering those are the only ones I can choose from) I'd much rather go for JD.
I'd use either JD or JB for mixing purposes but as for drinking them purely (Considering those are the only ones I can choose from) I'd much rather go for JD.

How about Jim Beam Black and above?

fucki that, chivas costs shitload of moeyz!!!!!

^ Noob.

If you can't afford Chivas, seriously don't waste our time.

...but if you're cheap try JW Black, Double Black is also not bad, not as smokey as I'd like and only available duty free here, dunno how it is where you are.

How about Jim Beam Black and above?

Jim Beam Black is alright but nothing special to me either.

fucki that, chivas costs shitload of moeyz!!!!!

Either you're:

In this case: I MAD

or you seriously don't have the slightest clue what drinking Whisky/Scotch/Whatever is about. If something tastes fine and I like that taste I am willing to pay an accurate price for that product.
Yeah, then again, these are much less effective at cooling than water. Soapstone has a specific heat of about 0.06 kJ/(kg K), while water ice has a specific heat capacity of about 2.1 kJ/(kg K), which means that ice is 35 times more effective than soapstone. And when the ice starts to melt, the important quantity is the latent heat of fusion, which is 333 kJ/kg, making ice 5550 times more effective than soapstone. Seriously, this won't work. You'd need a humongous amount of stones to cool a tiny quantity of whisky. Buy those that are made of a special polymer instead, that would work much better.
$20 for stones? Dude go down to your local river or neighbour's garden/gravel drive and get some free. :lol:

I don't mind ice mellowing my spirits.

Believe it or not, many people add water - it's where the saying, "never water another man's whisky" comes from, meaning let the other man water it himself, if he chooses to.

Honey Whiskey is really good.

Just picked me up some Wild Turkey American Honey.

Very sweet and tasty, has a bit of a Southern Comfort medicine-like taste to it but not as bad.

It'll be good to sip every now and then but I imagine too sweet to spend a night on it like you would a regular bourbon.

Edit: it tastes much better after ice has softened out the sweetness.

I'm not really a fan of scotch or bourbon, although I'll probably take bourbon over scotch.
I love rye whiskey though.
Dudes, definetly scotch whiskey.
Chivas is too expensive, but i haven't said that i can't afford it, so, definetly, johnie walker, and chivas.
Tjanks quys