Scott Ian Interview @ Metal

Jun 11, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I recently did an interview with Scott Ian. We had a chat about the band's upcoming tour of Australia at the Soundwave festival next year. We chatted about the new album and about John Bush rejoining the band and of course the Soundwave festival.

I'm assuming the big summer thing he was talking about is Wacken?

Click on the link below to listen to the interview.

Can't wait to see Anthrax at Soundwave next year. It's gonna be awesome! :notworthy
Had a listen a few days back... A couple of points:

- Interesting to hear Scott stick to the whole "Dan Nelson quit the band" story... Its funny that both sides are addiment the other is lying… one of them is telling the truth, guess we’ll never know…

- “We’re just taking baby steps” – lol where have I heard that before?! noinuerdeliafnikufesin
He was only a small time musician up until he joined Anthrax, so it seems a bit odd to me that he would want to throw away an opportunity like being in Anthrax.

Furthermore, he quits on the day Anthrax play with Metallica. Was that his dream, to play on stage with Metallica then go back to a shitty day job?

It doesn't really add up, but you can't keep kicking a dead horse in the teeth. I was impressed with Bush when Armored Saint came to Australia earlier this year, so I think it will be good to have him back in Anthrax.