Scott shares my opinions on guns...

TD said:
I really don't give a shit if you have a gun or not, but to me, the possible negatives outweigh the positives. What if someone steals all of your guns??? Then you've given them to those criminals you so so vehemently are against. What if you go psycho over your wife getting dripped by some guy at the bar, and you decide to shoot him? What if, like Alex alluded too, you shoot the wrong person? Too many questions, and guns can not be the answer.
give up trying to make a point with jdelpi,he reminds me of the opposition leader here,who no matter what the other side do,most of it good mind u,he will always give a thumbs down to any ideas that could improve something.

i did make a point earlier in the thread that maybe even improving 1 law that could possobly stop even 1 less death a year would be worth looking into,what possible harm could that do?
TD said:
I really don't give a shit if you have a gun or not, but to me, the possible negatives outweigh the positives. What if someone steals all of your guns??? Then you've given them to those criminals you so so vehemently are against. What if you go psycho over your wife getting dripped by some guy at the bar, and you decide to shoot him? What if, like Alex alluded too, you shoot the wrong person? Too many questions, and guns can not be the answer.
What if someone steals my car and drives over me with it? What if my cat gives me cat scratch fever and I die? What if I go to too many metal shows and die of lung cancer? What if I fall down the stairs? What if I get hit by a drunk driver? These are all risks we take every day.

On the other hand, what if I didn't shoot the guy raping my mother and he snapped her neck? You can't just focus on the possibility that my mother, a Catholic religion teacher married for 27 years, is chosing to have sex with a man besides my father, and ignore the possibility she's getting raped.
TD said:
Well then, don't be a pus about it. You don't have to shoot him, just knock him the fuck out.
I'll do whatever it is I feel will result in the best outcome for the victim and me. The criminal's well-being is the least of my concern. You have told me before you support the death penalty. I don't see how this is any different. (If I did have to shoot, which may not be necessarily the case.)
ijzer said:
i haven't proven anything i have merely presented emperical facts (at least according to the website where i got the graphs from).

But if you agree with me that gun deaths in countries that allows citizens to own them are higher (a lot higher), don't you think it would be a good idea to not allow citizens to own guns?
No, because of the imminent rise of vilent crime that will follow, as evidenced by my first post.
mentalmeltdown said:
Instead of spending time and money on firearms, maybe you should invest in an English course - writing and grammar... "Knowwing???" "Victems???" "alchohal???"...

For your information, the "womb to grave" system is not bleeding anyone to death. It's actually offering an equal opportunity for all CITIZENS to receive proper healthcare - and so what if we have to pay a little tax for it? I like knowing that there's a safety net if ever - god forbid - I should fall sick and die 'cause of lack of funds, which I believe is what would happen in the US of A.

I didnt see a spellcheck button, thanks for pointing out my spelling errors.

A womb to grave system not is equal opportunity when the wealthy can get private and better health care, quite possibly in the US, than those doomed to social healthcare.

Looking at Canadian statistics, I would rather spend 5-10% of my own money to cover my own health insurence than be taxed 10% or more for my health care. Why should I expect my friends and neighbors to pay for my choices (smoking, drinking)? My health is my responsability, especialy considering my choices (smoking, drinking). I have never been refused treatment at any American ER I have gone or referred to because of my financial situation. If need be I make arrangements ahead of time to make payments if need be to recieve medical treatment.

My stepfather is a former Canadian, so some of my bias against socialized medicine comes from him. You will have to forgive his outlook on the Canadian medical system, his brother died while on a waiting list for a non emergency surgery.

Sorry thats a little outdated but its a start to why Hillery didnt get her way, and a start to why taxed medical system will bleed Canadians to death, eventually. I also appologize that it is an American group that wrote that report, correct me if I am wrong the Canadian government controlls its media outlets.

Out of a class of 500 graduating students of medicine the one with the lowest grade is still called doctor, and in Canada, again correct me if I am wrong, still collects the same pay as the top of the class.

I've had a long day so feel free to correct my spelling and grammer, it is time to clean some firearms. My firearm collection is very small compared to others in the hobby of gun collecting.
TD said:
He was a diagnosed schizophrenic and his mother bought him the gun. He had done well and quit drugs and was diagnosed.

So the mother put a gun in the hands of her scizo son? Interesting. Who is really at fault here? The guns or the dumbass mother? I am pro gun but I do agree the laws need a DRASTIC change and certain bans do need to be in place. I personally think people should NOT be able to give guns as gifts or bought and given to people who cant get them theirselves. If a person cant legally purchase a gun then anyone else who does this for them should be held accountable also. IMO.
AKduff said:
I didnt see a spellcheck button, thanks for pointing out my spelling errors.

A womb to grave system not is equal opportunity when the wealthy can get private and better health care, quite possibly in the US, than those doomed to social healthcare.

Looking at Canadian statistics, I would rather spend 5-10% of my own money to cover my own health insurence than be taxed 10% or more for my health care. Why should I expect my friends and neighbors to pay for my choices (smoking, drinking)? My health is my responsability, especialy considering my choices (smoking, drinking). I have never been refused treatment at any American ER I have gone or referred to because of my financial situation. If need be I make arrangements ahead of time to make payments if need be to recieve medical treatment.

My stepfather is a former Canadian, so some of my bias against socialized medicine comes from him. You will have to forgive his outlook on the Canadian medical system, his brother died while on a waiting list for a non emergency surgery.

Sorry thats a little outdated but its a start to why Hillery didnt get her way, and a start to why taxed medical system will bleed Canadians to death, eventually. I also appologize that it is an American group that wrote that report, correct me if I am wrong the Canadian government controlls its media outlets.

Out of a class of 500 graduating students of medicine the one with the lowest grade is still called doctor, and in Canada, again correct me if I am wrong, still collects the same pay as the top of the class.

I've had a long day so feel free to correct my spelling and grammer, it is time to clean some firearms. My firearm collection is very small compared to others in the hobby of gun collecting.
Actually, you've written a very nice post! Congrats on that! I'm not for a health care system that would be 100% public funds - more like a mix between the private and the public HC systems

Nice reading.
vomit said:
"Something to think about"
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is about 700,000
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

> Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health Human Services.
Now think about this:

> (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is about 80,000,000.
(Yes, that's 80 million..)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups,is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.

> Statistics courtesy of FBI
So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more
dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, "Guns don't kill people, doctors do."


> Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
> We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!

> Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld the statistics on
> lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical
> attention.
i have seen those numbers before, you really make it hard on bleeding heart liberals when you bring facts to the argument. shame on you:worship:
Dear TD:

I have to say thank you for posting this. Every time I log on here I see your anouncement of validation and acceptance w/Scott Ian. I laugh every time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Starting a sentence w/"Scott Ian shares my views on..." is just priceless.

Good times! seem like a very smart individual, but sometimes you speak though your ass. If someone was raping your mom, and you came in and shot the rapist, there is a very good possiblity that you would be charged with a felony. You can only shoot and kill someone if your own life is in grave danger. You have your facts mixed up, or you might be confused on the subject.

jdelpi said:
I am quite capable of analyzing potential costs and benefits of certain actions. If someone was, say, raping my mother, I would not have any qualms about deterring him with a gun.
And after reading your post Canada has a better education system then where ever the fuck you are from. Go do some more research buddy. You dont have a fucken clue what you are talking about (Canada), because you are so fucken wrong.

AKduff said:
None of my tattoos are prison tattoos.

Mr. Moore is a propaganda artist that would make Hilter proud. If sober people where allowwed to have their CCWs in places that serve alchohal Dime would likely still be dead but the total body count would be less.

Canada does not share the same history America has so of course there will be a difference in the types and severity of crime. Canadian citisens are more tightly bound to the national tit than we are, again a difference in crime stats. Canadas health care womb to grave system is going to bleed Canadians to death. I cant comment on their government controlled mass media (TV, radio, or newspapers). Canada has a lowwer population than The USA so less crime is a given.

Once the US government institutes the types of controll over its citizens like Canada and European nations have done then uniform gun controll has a chance here. I like knowing I have a decent chance of defending my property than most, I like knowing myself and my neighbors have a better chance than most to defend or strike back against threats against our rights. I like knowwing I can carry concealed, WITH EXCEPTIONS, anywhere in the state I live without a permit. I like knowwing the propper training is there for me to lessen the chances of the wrong person being shot if I ever had to use a firearm to protect me, mine and my friends.

Owning firearms does not lessen the chances of my or mine become victems it may just even things up a bit though.

If you use a firearm OTHER than to save or in the defence of your or anothers life you are a pussy.

Once all the Christmas stuff is done with I get my Glock for my CCW.

Many objects can kill they all require a human behind them to do so, dont blame the object.

None of these have the chance of protecting me or mine unles I am aware of the threat and have a chance of repelling it.
muffytheVampirelayer said: seem like a very smart individual, but sometimes you speak though your ass. If someone was raping your mom, and you came in and shot the rapist, there is a very good possiblity that you would be charged with a felony. You can only shoot and kill someone if your own life is in grave danger. You have your facts mixed up, or you might be confused on the subject.
I think he could shoot the bastard because it happened in his (parents) house. If the guy had a knife or something I'm pretty sure he could do it. I don't see how anyone could convict him for saving the life of a family member. Then again with all the lawyers that we have, the family of the rapist would sue him for shooting the guy.
Skorned1 said:
Dear TD:

I have to say thank you for posting this. Every time I log on here I see your anouncement of validation and acceptance w/Scott Ian. I laugh every time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Starting a sentence w/"Scott Ian shares my views on..." is just priceless.

Good times!

Apparently the topic of "irony" alluded you in your educational endeavors. How about making a contribution to the board, or going back to shoving objects up your arse :p
TD said:
Apparently the topic of "irony" alluded you in your educational endeavors. How about making a contribution to the board, or going back to shoving objects up your arse :p
I'm sorry, sweet pea, I didn't mean to offend. It truely does add to my daily mundane life. As far as "irony", I couldn't see it. I'm a very visual person and all I could see was a man prancing through the field of validation.

As for sticking something up my ass, well, perhaps I am due for something kinda kinky tonight. Thanks for the suggestion.

Skorned1 said:
I'm sorry, sweet pea, I didn't mean to offend. It truely does add to my daily mundane life. As far as "irony", I couldn't see it. I'm a very visual person and all I could see was a man prancing through the field of validation.

As for sticking something up my ass, well, perhaps I am due for something kinda kinky tonight. Thanks for the suggestion.

:hotjump: I will take my meat, stick it in your seat, turn up the heat, hell yah, you can't compete :cool: