Scott shares my opinions on guns...

jdelpi said:
Don't forget, we also need to ban smoking, bath tubs, swimming pools, playgrounds, cars, planes, knives, fatty foods and just about everything else that might cause a death. :yuk:

Don't worry, I'm sure it's all in the works. Everyone knows that the fat people are next on the regulaion hit list. They say the fat people cost the health care system too much but just think of how much social security money they save by overweight people dieing too soon to collect.
jdelpi said:

1. MY RIGHTS are not contingent on what other people choose to do.
2. I am not a utilitarian.
3. Enforcing a gun control law against other gun owners and me necessitates the use of violence. What no one here has bothered to answer despite me repeatedly asking is WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT JUSTIFIED IN USING VIOLENCE AGAINST ME TO ENFORCE GUN CONTROL? Furthermore, what do you think my government should do to me if I try to own a gun when the government has decided it doesn't want me to? Everything government does is backed with force and lots of guns.
4. The mere fact that you advocate violence against non-violent people who choose to own guns negates your supposed desire to reduce violence.
5. (my least important point) You've failed to acknowledge any defensive use of guns.

Yeah, but you're a pretty scrawny thing, and most "bad guys" are big and tough, so what if they just kick your ass and take your gun, and then THEY shoot someone.
mrthrax said:
how pathetic all your excuses are,
You are the epitome of "the pot calling the kettle black."

Not once have you responded to anything anyone has written. Your line of "reasoning," (probably a little inaccurate to call what you do "reasoning," but I will call it that for lack of a better term) goes something like this: "i dont feel like i need a gun,anyone who has one or defends the right to have one must be a crazy freak,you gun people are pathetic!!!"

Did it ever occur to you some people don't give a flying fuck about whether or not you approve of items they choose to own?
jdelpi said:
You are the epitome of "the pot calling the kettle black."

Not once have you responded to anything anyone has written. Your line of "reasoning," (probably a little inaccurate to call what you do "reasoning," but I will call it that for lack of a better term) goes something like this: "i dont feel like i need a gun,anyone who has one or defends the right to have one must be a crazy freak,you gun people are pathetic!!!"

Did it ever occur to you some people don't give a flying fuck about whether or not you approve of items they choose to own?

I think his point is that gun owners on the whole, sound paranoid of some grand theory to take their guns away.
TD said:
Yeah, but you're a pretty scrawny thing, and most "bad guys" are big and tough, so what if they just kick your ass and take your gun, and then THEY shoot someone.
I am quite capable of analyzing potential costs and benefits of certain actions. If someone was, say, raping my mother, I would not have any qualms about deterring him with a gun. Of course, I would have to consider the safety of myself and my mother. There are countless stories of people scrawnier and weaker than I using guns to defend themselves. Most criminals are rational and care more about their lives than you might think. Most crime deterred with guns does not involve actually firing the weapon.

But since you skipped ahead to this question without responding to anything I said (other than saying "yeah") I have to wonder whether you are conceding the points I made or do you have some objection to them?
jdelpi said:
I am quite capable of analyzing potential costs and benefits of certain actions. If someone was, say, raping my mother, I would not have any qualms about deterring him with a gun. Of course, I would have to consider the safety of myself and my mother. There are countless stories of people scrawnier and weaker than I using guns to defend themselves. Most criminals are rational and care more about their lives than you might think. Most crime deterred with guns does not involve actually firing the weapon.

But since you skipped ahead to this question without responding to anything I said (other than saying "yeah") I have to wonder whether you are conceding the points I made or do you have some objection to them?

It all goes back to what Mr. Thrax or one of those Ozland folk said, you sound like a paranoid android.
TD said:
I think his point is that gun owners on the whole, sound paranoid of some grand theory to take their guns away.
Paranoia is defined as "a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur."

Since you and several others on this board, along with many members of Congress, governors, past presidents and conferences of the United Nations have all stated gun confiscation as their objective, there is nothing "paranoid" about it.
Dragons_Kin said:
Don't worry, I'm sure it's all in the works. Everyone knows that the fat people are next on the regulaion hit list. They say the fat people cost the health care system too much but just think of how much social security money they save by overweight people dieing too soon to collect.
Someone actually did do calculations to find how much money was saved or lost by smokers dying early. I don't remember who did it, but they found they save us money.
jdelpi said:
I am quite capable of analyzing potential costs and benefits of certain actions. If someone was, say, raping my mother, I would not have any qualms about deterring him with a gun. Of course, I would have to consider the safety of myself and my mother. There are countless stories of people scrawnier and weaker than I using guns to defend themselves. Most criminals are rational and care more about their lives than you might think. Most crime deterred with guns does not involve actually firing the weapon.

But since you skipped ahead to this question without responding to anything I said (other than saying "yeah") I have to wonder whether you are conceding the points I made or do you have some objection to them?

Raping your mother?? What if some dude was rocking your mom and it was consensual, you mistook him for a rapist and blasted him??
Here's one for all those Michael Moore marks out there...
Check out a film called "FahrenHype 911." Dick Morris, Ann Coulter and others fire back at Moore. Even if you don't agree with Hype, one thing will be proven to you: It's easy to manipulate "fact" with the use of "documentary" film.

Now, if you ask me...
Moore is a lying, socialist, America-hating slob, with no class.

By the way, I'm a huge Anthrax fan, but it's NOT for their political commentary.
Resunikcufecin said:
Here's one for all those Michael Moore marks out there...
Check out a film called "FahrenHype 911." Dick Morris, Ann Coulter and others fire back at Moore. Even if you don't agree with Hype, one thing will be proven to you: It's easy to manipulate "fact" with the use of "documentary" film.

Now, if you ask me...
Moore is a lying, socialist, America-hating slob, with no class.

By the way, I'm a huge Anthrax fan, but it's NOT for their political commentary.
Have you seen this?

I don't have it yet, but I am considering it.

I'm much more interested in that than anything involving Dick Morris and Ann Coulter :yuk:
jdelpi said:
It all comes back to the fact that you can't make any coherent argument so you resort to smearing.
I really don't give a shit if you have a gun or not, but to me, the possible negatives outweigh the positives. What if someone steals all of your guns??? Then you've given them to those criminals you so so vehemently are against. What if you go psycho over your wife getting dripped by some guy at the bar, and you decide to shoot him? What if, like Alex alluded too, you shoot the wrong person? Too many questions, and guns can not be the answer.