Scott shares my opinions on guns...

TD said:
Just because I have good social life and like to party makes me no less of a quality individual. In fact, I think you should try it too! :hotjump: Then you wouldn't come across as such an anal retentive, ultra-conservative, book worm type. Maybe you'd be a little less paranoid and wouldn't have the need to own guns to feel safe.
That's nice. Do you encourage your students to smoke crack as well?

You know I'm not a conservative.
octane said:
Everyone has a story or heard a story involing a accident with guns or a wrongful death wether it be family friends cops etc etc..
My gf has a family member whos house got broke into and five guys tied him to a chair and raped his wife infront of him... he had guns in his house to PROTECT HIS FAMILY!!
My first post on this topic about my bf finding his dad's gun they were there to PROTECT HIS FAMILY!!

If someone is coming to KILL YOU! the chances of you waking up and going to were you hide your gun and shooting all the intruders before they kill you is absurd (this isnt the movies), ive heard of more accidentle gun deaths then someone breaking into someone's house and them being rambo

once again to each there own and i pray that none of us are faced with any of these situations..
I don't have such a story.

It is quite common for people to use guns to defend themselves and their families. Here's a story of an old man who did it. Here's a story about someone defending his family. Here's a story about a woman who used a gun to defend herself from domestic abuse. Of course, the gun grabbers will use this of an example of a "family member" getting killed with the gun, and they will use this as proof they need to use force to disarm law abiding citizens. Here's a story about a teenager using a gun to kill an attacker in his house. And here's a story about a man using a gun to defend his store. Let me know if you would like more stories on self-defense involving guns.

Octane, I'm not sorry to say, just because someone is a dumbass and has an accident with a gun does not in any way invalidate my right to be free from aggression by you and the state. This means you may not use force against me for anything, including taking away firearms. I'm not so much "pro-gun" as I am "pro-freedom," and that means you don't have the right to initiate force against me. I have done nothing to you, so you have no right to use force against me. Enforcing gun control against me requires the use of force. Are you willing to point a gun at me (or have the government do it) to make me surrender my guns? That's what this all comes down to.
lespaulbass666 said:
come on guys stay focused BOOBS!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT BOOBS!!!! see darby's dad, they did it again.
i do have to admit, those are some nice stories.....
I agree.


Guns are for pussies :D
Alright, gotta say something now.
Yes, hurray for boobies!!!

and, now to the other something to say.
Everyone agrees and disagrees on various topics, Scott believes in gun control, others on the board don't, and I would be one of them. I myself have never owned a gun, and haven't had plans to own one. My friend's parents own a daycare and in their private residence, they have guns for defense easily accesseble, but only if you know where. They have concealed weapons permits and one of the guns is even designed to fit into a wallet type pouch that fits in your back pocket or if you're a lady, in your purse. They know that if someone is threatening them with a gun, they HAVE to get them first. He's loaded his guns w/ water shot for 2 reasons. If you miss, if it hits a wall, it wouldn't penetrate the wall and go through to the next room. Second, it kills the criminal. They both know that and are prepared to use that force if their life is threatened. They also have dogs to deter first, and if the attacker gets by the dogs, then the guns become their last protection. The dad was in the army and he's worked night clubs part time in parts of the world you wouldn't want to be caught dead in unless you carried an AK. His wife, she's been a hunter from when she was little, and raised to actually hunt with a bow and not guns, but also did target shooting for a long time. If I was in their house and someone came in, I would feel safe around them. Yet if you met them, you would see they're the nicest and some of the most responsible people you know. Banning guns would take away their protection. They haven't had to fire a gun yet at anyone, but there have been times when because of disputes between some parents, there was a risk whether or not a parent would do something stupid. They made sure they were prepared and have been prepared. In fact, knowing that they would be prepared possibly deterred anything from happening.

You say guns might be for pussies, but what are you going to do when the barrell is pointed at you? Call him a pussy for having a gun. Tell me how that went over. If a criminal was going to do the effort to commit the crime, do you think he'd go the extra step to insure it goes off without a hitch? Of course he will, he'll do whatever he can to make everything go smooth for him. Taking away the right to own a firearm is increasing his success chance.

I even had a friend of mine kill himself with a shotgun when I started high school, and I still feel the same way about guns. I am sorry I lost my friend, I wish I hadn't, but he would have done it whether guns were banned or not.

And if you want to feel safer and say Canada is safer, move to Canada. But America is the land of the free, you can say what you want, Scott can say what he wants, Jdelpi can say what he wants, but banning guns is not a solution.

And Hooray For Boobies!!!!!!!! had to get back on track for DD.
Aren't people mamed and killed by dogs too? I think we should outlaw those too. You know, just in case someone lets go of their leash.

Not much of a dog lover (childhood issues), but I do own a gun and a cat (much more independant).

Re: Boobs
-I'm gonna go w/fake since they're usually bigger and closer to perfection.
jdelpi said:
I don't have such a story.

It is quite common for people to use guns to defend themselves and their families. Here's a story of an old man who did it. Here's a story about someone defending his family. Here's a story about a woman who used a gun to defend herself from domestic abuse. Of course, the gun grabbers will use this of an example of a "family member" getting killed with the gun, and they will use this as proof they need to use force to disarm law abiding citizens. Here's a story about a teenager using a gun to kill an attacker in his house. And here's a story about a man using a gun to defend his store. Let me know if you would like more stories on self-defense involving guns.

Octane, I'm not sorry to say, just because someone is a dumbass and has an accident with a gun does not in any way invalidate my right to be free from aggression by you and the state. This means you may not use force against me for anything, including taking away firearms. I'm not so much "pro-gun" as I am "pro-freedom," and that means you don't have the right to initiate force against me. I have done nothing to you, so you have no right to use force against me. Enforcing gun control against me requires the use of force. Are you willing to point a gun at me (or have the government do it) to make me surrender my guns? That's what this all comes down to.

some people don't listen... i'm not telling anyone don't have guns my guitarist has guns 2 of my bf's are a correctional officer the other a cop and they have many guns that is there american right and what they believe and more power to them, like i said to each there own...
i expressed my opinion and my dislikes for guns, some people feel safer wth a gun, i feel safer and more of a man not needing one this is just how i feel and you feel how you feel... some live's have been saved by having a gun but in my experience they have caused more problems then helped....

Once again opinions are like assholes, everyone has one

Argueing on the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win your still retarded.... (sorry that was wrong but you get the point)
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Here is why shit like what happened does not happen in Canada.

Canadians are polite, even the criminals

Canadians dont saturate their television with 24 hour a day violence

Canadians allow the use of the word FUCk on prime time television (at least it was when I was there on the CBC), and dont get their shit in a bunch over titties, and profanity.

Canada has great beer, and plenty of it

Canada has lax marijuana laws (hell it will be legal there withen a decade), a more open minded society our brothers to the north are.

Canada has the best strip clubs IN THE WORLD.

Canada does not give a rats ass if gay people want to get married (because there are better things thatyou should worry about anyway)

Canada has universal health care. WOW a country and a govt that want to look after the sick, what a novel idea.

Its cold, really fucken cold, and that probably has something to do with it. if American citizens didnt have to wory about getting sick, got to hit the bong without the fear of going to jail for 10 years, heard the work fuck on TV at 7 PM, while seeing titties on TV...maybe just maybe there would be less gun violence.

Fuck canada. Canadadians are fliddlly fags who can go home to their mothers and shove mailboxes inside of them and listen to their noises for entertainment. Canada sucks balls!!!
jdelpi said:
That's nice. Do you encourage your students to smoke crack as well?

You know I'm not a conservative.
Nope, but I encourage them to work hard, study hard, and then enjoy the richness that is life! I'm not going to reveal to them that I have had as much as a six pack, because they are so young and impressionable. Just like I wouldn't reveal to them that their young, soon-to-be-divorced science teacher and I have been know to fuck like rabbits after school hours. (She is a hottie), but that is my private life, and no ones business. I also encourage them to stay away from guns, and paranoid gun owners.