Scott wants Rob C. back in Anthrax?

Thanks Johnnie. Well, should I say wheels begins to turn? Or the reunited Anthrax is in the dead end...?
Ahfurfuksek! said:
as well as a big ass fuckin wig......

Mr. Milano is a tad vindictive, isn't he? Well, can't say I really blame him....

You WILL respect mah awwwthoritahhhh!!
Billy might have a beef, but one thing is for sure - he was right on about the reunion so I doubt he's lying now. He knows the guys pretty well and people around them too.
Am I one of the only ones who thinks Spitz blows Caggiano away on guitar? The two times I saw Caggiano he wasnt very energetic and 1st time I couldnt hear his solos and the second time he didnt do anything amazing, and the few old songs they did play he changed up the solos for the worse?

Anyways, I could see this happening maybe if dan keeps having the panic attack problem that was said somewhere earlier especially. I wonder if Dan and the band are collarborating on this decision together or if it is just scott and charlie doing it? Maybe he was approaching Caggiano for something other than being in anthrax? Maybe another band? Maybe we need an answer from scott himself... Where's Mr. Wu when you need him?