Second Stage - UK Extreme

A lot of you seem to be forgetting that the kill are headlineing the seconds stage, so No Sabbat or Bal-Sagoth or Primordial (all far too big to go after)

William: maybe not on record but live... I wasn't paying attention to their faces etc. so I thought they were MDB playing new songs. Then I noticed the different singer etc. (Okay part of it was due to my eyes being filled with cigarette smoke from everyone around mebut my ears still worked)
A lot of you seem to be forgetting that the kill are headlineing the seconds stage, so No Sabbat or Bal-Sagoth or Primordial (all far too big to go after)
Bal-Sagoth weren't that far up the bill last time they played though, and I wouldn't say they have really gained much popularity since then. I do see what you mean though, they are still a bigger band than FourWayKill.

As for Return to the Sabbat, I said this in another thread, but Martin did say that the Underworld show in November would be their last ever UK gig as he is now concentrating on a new project.
But why are fourwaykill headlining? I saw them support blaze and they were weak. I'm all for supporting english metal but only when it's good. If the enchanted do play they should be higher on the bill than fwk.

With bs you shouldn't really need to bother with the old build up to the biggest/best group. We can pick and choose between darwin, beer and talk or power cheese. We aren't stuck in the same room all day.

Granted you'll need the big names on the main stage last for ticket sales and leaving with a buzz, but not on the small stage.
CH need a bigger slot this year, i would love to see them with a 30min slot AT LEAST!!
i would pay the £40 just to see them
I think a really good extreme edition to the Darwin Suite would be GUTWORM.
Not only are they brutal but thay've got a considerable fan base, thay're doing well in America (underground) so I hear and thay're fucking awesome live!!!!

I saw them at the Astoria recently and they ripped my face off!!

It'd be good to have a bit of real grind core at the festival as a lot of people
love the event but don't want to overdose on too much Euro metal.

As far as I know Gutworm are going to be playing a few shows along side Four way kill and Killing Mode soon.

Check out their website:

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
I just can't appriciate Death Metal when it tries to take itself too seriously :-D Unless it's really REALLY special, it all sounds pretty sub-standard to my power metallised ears.
no, death wouldnt fit in.. i appreciate that many bloodstockersm are fans as am i on occasion but itsd just not right for the festival... maybe when its bigger and theirs a decent second stage...
Jonoleth said:
no, death wouldnt fit in.. i appreciate that many bloodstockersm are fans as am i on occasion but itsd just not right for the festival... maybe when its bigger and theirs a decent second stage...

Joe5now said:
I just can't appriciate Death Metal when it tries to take itself too seriously :-D Unless it's really REALLY special, it all sounds pretty sub-standard to my power metallised ears.

Yorkshire folk are most wise.
You say that but you all said similar things about Black Metal last year...

Joe5now: I'm not really talking Gore bands, more the true Misantrophic bands like Early Darkthrone, Yattering, Deicide, Immolation, Zyklon and Decapitated. When it comes to Gore bands Carcass did things right.
Cruel Humanity said:
lets have your line up for the second stage them.
we have fourwaykill as headline.

FourWayKill: Headline
The Enchanted
Thus Defiled
Cruel Humanity

any ideas?

yes how about
BOLT THROWER not heared much from them since Honor valour pride mind you
CANDLEMASS (not UK but still...)
any one agree?
Jonoleth said:
ha.. tis true... up north we do metal the proper way...

Death metal is great, I'd love to see some UK acts playing a Bloodstock. It can't be all one Genre of metal year in year out.
thats true but would you say that bodom are the same as nightwish? i think its a case of you cant just change dramatically co it will just put some fans off... i agree that one death or black band should get a mainstage slot... dont get me wrong... i do appreciatte extreme metal aswell as my passion for power.
Cruel Humanity said:
Cancer yeah thats a good plan ... there available and fuckin good as well ... we we're on the same bill as the at Black Winter Day ... Cancer fuckin rule!!!!!!!

I'm really pissed off I missed that gig, I could'nt get the time off work.
Death shall rise was and is a fantastic album.
When and where can I get my grubby mits on a copy of your Cruel Humanity CD?
Jonoleth said:
thats true but would you say that bodom are the same as nightwish? i think its a case of you cant just change dramatically co it will just put some fans off... i agree that one death or black band should get a mainstage slot... dont get me wrong... i do appreciatte extreme metal aswell as my passion for power.

It's hard to strike a happy balance, no matter what is done you will never please everyone.
Last year ther was 2 maybe 3 bands I liked played there. But I still had a fantastic time meeting people and hearing and seeing bands I'd never seen before. I would never dawn on me to NOT GO I love the weekend away. It's an added bonus to see my favourite bands.
I think people get distracted from the whole point. Go there see and hear something new and have a great time whoever plays.

"I'll get my coat now"