Secret cover compilation from fans

the-lull said:
I have a shoegazer version of "Tonight's music" I did once when I couldn't find sleep one night. The result is quite vocals, mogwai-ish feeling all over the song...
I did the 'quiet world' cover for the contest, was even among the top 5 :D , and was very surprised about that...did anyone hear it?

Do show!
the-lull said:
I have a shoegazer version of "Tonight's music" I did once when I couldn't find sleep one night. The result is quite vocals, mogwai-ish feeling all over the song...
I did the 'quiet world' cover for the contest, was even among the top 5 :D , and was very surprised about that...did anyone hear it?

I have the feeling that Jesse told everyone who asked that he was among the Top 5. :erk: He said that to me too, but than I asked again about the exact position and he said place 3. this one:

But maybe we were really among the top 5. Don't want to say that it was a lie.
Thanks for your comments about Deadhouse.
I arranged the music and the backing vocals, and a friend of mine did the lead vocals.

I also covered Relention with another band of mine, Cascade. My brother took care of the vocals on that one.

I think I should cover one from the new CD next.
This sounds very interesting. If I can get a double bass pedal and some recording equipment, I’ll definitely do a cover. I’ll represent for the older Katatonia stuff since it doesn’t look like too many will. I’m thinking about covering either “Rainroom” or “Gateways of Bereavement”.
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Well look, first I tried how it would be with clean vocals, but Murder simply NEEDS grunts, so I had no choice... Plus I can't even sing :)

And I'd put it on the net if I know some server. Although I don't like it when people listen to it... cos it's bad. I'm serious :) It is baaaaaaad.
you were finished when it started so you have time to make another one.. what do u think? :)
And another idea for new participants: I think we should try to cover some VE songs to make it up-to-date (and show that we like the new album)! (though I think the older songs are easier..)

Does anyone know a good server?
If there's a server available I'll upload Murder, so you call see that it sucks and laugh at me :) (don't forget, I'm a real amateur deluxe)
At the moment I'm recording Brave, it's going okay so far.
But in all my songs, bass will be recorded in one or two weeks or something. Oh And I've considered rerecording I Break and let my girlfriend sing it, so than we have a song with female vocals :p (or a duet in the chorus *blinkblink* *pukepuke*)