Secret cover compilation from fans

Unicorn said:
I have the feeling that Jesse told everyone who asked that he was among the Top 5. :erk: He said that to me too, but than I asked again about the exact position and he said place 3. this one:

But maybe we were really among the top 5. Don't want to say that it was a lie.

I heard this one before, it rocks. Pity the electronics sound so ordinary-pc-midi ;) but the chorus is very yummy.
Dispossession said:
I'll check out when you add the vocals.

No way man...
This version is complete. I wouldn't dare ruining it with my poor vocals.
Too much changes in harmonies also to put the original vocal lines.
Just take it as it is
the-lull said:
No way man...
This version is complete. I wouldn't dare ruining it with my poor vocals.
Too much changes in harmonies also to put the original vocal lines.
Just take it as it is

Sounds very cool!
Somehow like a completely different song, but the atmosphere is cool!
as promised, here's my Omerta -cover. I hope you'll like it.

@The Loveless
Your covers rule! Ich wohne in Düsseldorf, also gar nicht mal so weit weg von Dir. Ich war in Bochum schon ein paar mal auf Konzerten. Anathema und noch andere Sachen. Was machst Du so, wenn Du nicht songs coverst? Hast Du auch eine eigene Band?

In this recording, no Midi and no PC was used. I don't think the electronic sounds sound that bad.

Opinions are welcome. :)



YEAH!!! I am enthusiastic about your Cover!! Its really great!
and yeah, the tune of the last "hooo" is a bit wrong, and I think that
you did your cover a bit slower then the original!
But very very cool!


Hab grade mal deine Seite angeschaut und gesehen dass du aus Hagen kommst. Also ich komme aus HATTINGEN, vieleicht sagt dir das was. Ist nich weit entfernt. Eine Band habe ich leider nicht mehr. Hatte mal 5 Jahre eine, aber die andreen Jungs hatten keine Lust mehr. Bin jetzt Solo unterwegs, und hab so 7-8 Lieder fertig die so in die ANATHEMA richtung gehen. Ich kann dir ja mal was schicken. Ich such hier seit fast 3 Jahren nach ner Band und finde keine.. Wenn ihr also coole Musik macht und irgendwann mal jemanden braucht :))
Und nochmal, Geil das OMERTA cover. Sowieso das Hammer-Stück vom neuem Album!
Hi everyone!

I'm following this KFUCK-Project for some days now, and I'd love to cover a song, too..... a pity I don't have a band anymore...

So I've made something else to be a part of this project: I've just made a front-cover, you can get it here:

It's just a prototype, not ready yet..... Sorry Dora, it's not that Cover that you wanted.... ;) , a back-cover will be up in some days...

If somebody has an idea for a better pic or an idea for improving this one, please post or write!

Something else:
I can't download Unicorn's Omerta and the_lull's Tongiht's Music....
What's up ??

That's it... George...
Welch Zufall @ UNICORN!

Ich komme auch (einst) aus Hagen, habe da in diversen Bands den Drummer gemacht (u.a. Disparaged, Vorband von Vader im Globe 1997)...

:) Witzig :)

Grüß mal die Hagener Musikszene!
Y1 said:
Welch Zufall @ UNICORN!

Ich komme auch (einst) aus Hagen, habe da in diversen Bands den Drummer gemacht (u.a. Disparaged, Vorband von Vader im Globe 1997)...

:) Witzig :)

Grüß mal die Hagener Musikszene!

Nur deutsche hier oder was?? LOL

The cover looks very nice! I like it!!
And about the Covers! Try again and again! I also needed about 5 tries to get the OMERTA cover..
I'd definitely be happy to contribute a cover of Teargas that my band and I did for fun...granted, it's not the best, and it's just a straight up cover, but I suppose it's usable. I'll see if I can get it online in mp3 format soon. Oh, and by the way, my band is called Convectum (click my sig to go to our site).

Great! Nice work! really cool :)))
But please do me a favour and delete the link of "12" from the side..
Its not a coversong, its only a part of the song, and totally shit, ok ?
thx :)