Seeking piece of Katatonia music from their website.

i composed a little layered guitar piece exclusively as a background theme for the last fair deal gone down website. unfortunately neither me or the webmaster have it anymore, BUT i do know that i have the unmixed recording sitting in a closet. maybe i should dig it out as it could go well as interlude music on the 20th anniversary shows where last fair deal gone down is in the limelight... kinda a little nostalgia for the people who remember...

Please do! I created a very old topic requesting it like four years ago or more.
here it is folks...does it sound familiar? as u were entering the last fair deal gone down website back in 2001?
i guess 80% of you werent around at that time, but some of u might remember.
anyways, its not looped now, this is the original piece (all guitars and a drum machine, no synth).
feel free to grab it and host it at a better place if u want.
here it is folks...does it sound familiar? as u were entering the last fair deal gone down website back in 2001?
i guess 80% of you werent around at that time, but some of u might remember.
anyways, its not looped now, this is the original piece (all guitars and a drum machine, no synth).
feel free to grab it and host it at a better place if u want.

Oh yes, this is it, Blakkie. It gives me the chills listening to it again after a long time...

Thank you so much! :)
Wow!! This just made my year. Back when this was on the Deadsite, I was like, totally permabanned on this forum for my sexy antics... my how times changed.

Anyway, this is fucking beautiful, and reminds me a lot more of Cocteau Twins now than it did in the past. This totally should be used as the intro theme for when the band takes the stage on the LFDGD tour...
On the main page, I read "looking for a piece of Katatonia..." as the subject line so I came in here all like "WOOHOO! BYPASSING THE ORGAN DONOR LIST AT LIST!" UM is such a tease!
Awesome!! Cheers for that!!

I don't suppose you could tell us where the intro music from the Black Sessions live dvd is from?? I know you guys used it on your tours for a few years...
Amazing. I could not remember what it sounded like at all, but when I heard it just now I remembered it immediately.
Great it's not going to be forgotten. Thanks Blakkie!
here it is folks...does it sound familiar? as u were entering the last fair deal gone down website back in 2001?
i guess 80% of you werent around at that time, but some of u might remember.
anyways, its not looped now, this is the original piece (all guitars and a drum machine, no synth).
feel free to grab it and host it at a better place if u want.

FUCK YEAH! Finally! The piece of music that made me buy LFDGD and changed my life forever, turning me into a Kata fan. It's even more beautiful than I remember... Takk!

This totally should be used as the intro theme for when the band takes the stage on the LFDGD tour...

Please listen to this guy, he speaks the truth and nothing but the truth. :D Imagine it in the DVD menus... *drools*

great memories <3

Realmente. :)
oh dear god.

Not only have I been able to hear this again, but it was delivered to me by the man himself.

Blakkheim thank you so much.

The chillbumps won't stop.
I hereby declare this piece of music to be the theme song of my own death. When the light fades, I want to hear this repeating.