Self inflicted cuts

Well I am helping my sister cause she is going to make an article about this stuff to show to people that it's not something that happens only on sanitariums and stuff,she has been meaning to do this article but they say it's too controversial or something but she wants to show it to people so the ones who do it can get help.
A noble cause... but in truth it is all around us, and there are many resourcses you can look into on the net, jsut search around, the information is everywhere.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I actually know a few guys who like to have chicks cut their arms when they are having sex... never understood it myself but it works for them I guess

Everyone I know that does it does it for attention and nothing else... it is stupid in my mind... but I suppose some people do it for reasons...
it's not always for attention, i know a girl in my class who did that just for attention and she kept talking about it and finding every possible way to show her arms to people.
if you know that someone cuts him/herself 99,9% of the times this person does it for attention and s/he wants you to know, unless you know this person very well of course
Hiljainen said:
it's not always for attention, i know a girl in my class who did that just for attention and she kept talking about it and finding every possible way to show her arms to people.
if you know that someone cuts him/herself 99,9% of the times this person does it for attention and s/he wants you to know, unless you know this person very well of course
i couldn't agree more. this thread shows it, too: manuel asked for the reasons why someone can do something like that, and someone answered trying to help him, provinding some reasons and some information. on the contrary, someone else just stated they did it, without saying why, and that's pointless, imo.
I used to cut myself pretty badly in high school. Things were pretty depressing for me back then. I guess I grew out of it after high school.
Well there's people who do it or used to to it and maybe are not proud of it and don't feel like sharing it with some stranger.
I think the article is not to show that this happens,it's to show there's people to go to if you do this kind of stuff,not just net boards;she will probably include interviews with a psychologist and stuff of the like for people to know they don't have to deal with it by themselves.
I used to cut myself quite often not too long ago. I felt my life was so void of meaning, so numb that I almost felt as if I was not alive. Inflicting physical pain and seeing my own blood helped to clear up that feeling. I also did it for control reasons, being able to see my physical wounds heal, reasured me that all other emotional burdens, in time would heal as well, if that makes any sence. All my scars are hidden, but they are still there, in time they will likely all dissapear. As for right now my life is fairly decent, I have a girlfriend so I dont really have the time to wallow in dispair and cut myself.
A very close to me person used to cut himself and he was (and still is) depressed and moody. Until he met his girlfriend, and after a year he stopped. Now after 2 years that he stopped he hasn't done it again. Probably he found a reason to be happy I guess...
i had all of my blades taken off me a while ago so i had to stop.
then i started branding myself - those scars are really bright and i am so ashamed of them, but i have to live with it now. #consequence is a bigger word than you'd think#
there was a girl in the street last week broke a bottle on the wall then cut her arms with it and put the blood in her eyes so she was crying tears of blood. if THAT's not attention seeking, then i dont know is!
its horses for courses - why do some people get legglessly drunk? why do some smoke cannibis? take heroin?

kisses n pixiedust
Wow... something similar liek that happened in SF before, but it was a guy and I saw him from very far away.. read about it later though
I never did it to seek attention, apart from showing whoever would notice that Im different, that I dont belong where he belongs and where Im sort of forced to be. Actually, I only told two people in real life, and made up stories of accidents or something to explain it if anyone asked.
manuelgv said:
Do you have any information about the people who cut themselves?
Any links to info about it?
Boards maybe?
Or does any of you do it.
If you want to keep it private you can PM me
I am doing a paper about this and I haven't found anything about the subject.
Thanx in advance

just talk to my ex boyfriend :) he cut himself really bad last night. cause of me of course. :) how fun is that?