Self inflicted cuts

you know I am a pacifist at heart,so I wouldn't try and kick the guy's ass
but some 24 year old idiot who makes a girl feel bad all the time,specially if that girl is Ulla M.,doesn't deserve anything but a good ass kicking.
I have a bunch of cuts on my fingers... i really don't know why i am doing it.. It all started when i found a sharpend rock i tryed to see if it can cut trough my skin, it did... At first i tought it was kind of cool... sudenly i just realized how wrong i was. No matter this i kept doing that for a couple of weeks. Nobody knows about it... nobody, except people reading this of course.

I did that a few a months ago.. latlely i've been thinking a lot about it... too good i don't have a knife in my room.

i think all that shit its behind now.

....Like @Destroyer of Order sayd... physical pain it soo easyer to carry, at least when it heals... it heals. Emotional pain can be with you for ever, and there is just no rest