Selling out......make me want to buy cubase


Protools Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
A buddy of mine brought over his Cubase rig and let me mess around with it. After spending about an hour on it, I'm feeling like it might be a great option for me. I've been tracking/editing in PT then mixing in Logic lately, but I'm thinking that Cubase is a better option.

So I need you guys to sell me on it, and tell me some features I probably might not know about....

Also Since I'm only mixing, do I even need Cubase 5 over Studio 5? I don't need midi instruments, and I have a shitload of plugins so I'm not worried about missing out on stock stuff.

I've checked this out and I don't see anythign I'd be missing with just Studio 5.....

Real productive, guys - he's posted about using Reaper before... he's obviously interested in Cubase now.

The biggies about Cubase 5 vs Studio 5 for me are being able to apply plugins directly to regions of audio, being able to put plugins on the input of tracks (record 'into' them), using external outboard as plugins, and VariAudio (kind of an Elastic Audio clone).

If you can do without those and with paying for an MP3 export option, it's a solid way to save a few hundred bucks.

I can't wait for you to try out slip editing and become addicted. :lol:
and VariAudio (kind of an Elastic Audio clone).

Cubase already has some pretty decent time-stretching tools even without VariAudio - those and the nice MIDI editing are the main reasons I keep it around (I've mostly switched to Reaper).

The included instruments are pretty nice, too - it's useful to have a full GM MIDI library in addition to a bunch of nice synths and extra sounds within easy grasp.
Tracking/editing in PT then mixing in Cubase is exactly what I've been doing for over half a decade now.

Getting the full Cubase 5 is worth it just for the ability to use external FX (outboard). Any less and you're stuck in ITB land. That alone made the full version necessary for me.
The biggies about Cubase 5 vs Studio 5 for me are being able to apply plugins directly to regions of audio, being able to put plugins on the input of tracks (record 'into' them), using external outboard as plugins, and VariAudio (kind of an Elastic Audio clone).

I could do without all of those, but they are all very good features (especially the VariAudio which looks interesting). What's the deal with the "Advanced options in Tempo Editor"....anyone?

I can't wait for you to try out slip editing and become addicted. :lol:

Yeah I wouldn't get too excited, I think I'm a PT editing junkie for the rest of my life. Having said that though if I could edit and track in CUBASE faster then PT I'd have no problem switching!
Tracking/editing in PT then mixing in Cubase is exactly what I've been doing for over half a decade now.

Getting the full Cubase 5 is worth it just for the ability to use external FX (outboard). Any less and you're stuck in ITB land. That alone made the full version necessary for me.

Yeah see this is strictly for ITB box mixing. Only time I'd ever have outboard is when I'm at someone else's studio. This is strictly for my lower budget projects where studio time isn't a viable option.
Ah right. In that case I'm sure you'd find Cubase Studio 5 a viable DAW. One thing I like about it is the lack of bloat compared to the full version. Cubase is very big on the bloat for some reason.

As an aside, if you have the time, I would suggest checking out the new version of Presonus Studio One. It's not quite as fully featured as someone like yourself may want, but for the limited purposes you have in mind for this DAW, it may be the perfect ticket. In a few more updates it will leave Cubase in the dust, without a doubt. They have an inherently better grasp on workflow and convenience. In fact mixing and routing are probably the two things it already does better.
Ermz, may I ask why you choose to mix outside of PT? Ive been wanting to make the move from Cubase to PT actually!

I can't speak for Ermz, but for me it's the fact that you can run about 60% LESS plugs in PT then running the same ones in either Cubase or Logic....RTAS engine is fucked for efficiency.
Still a possibility but I am leaning to cubase only cause I already know it pretty well....

Dude for real you need Skype or something so I can run you through Reaper. If you install Reaper using my preferences file and Keymap, you will know it almost as well as you know Pro Tools instantly. I have almost everything mapped to be as identical as possible, I switch between the two all of the time and never slip up on key commands or anything.

This is Reaper, look familiar? ;)

Dude for real you need Skype or something so I can run you through Reaper. If you install Reaper using my preferences file and Keymap, you will know it almost as well as you know Pro Tools instantly. I have almost everything mapped to be as identical as possible, I switch between the two all of the time and never slip up on key commands or anything.

This is Reaper, look familiar? ;)


You've peaked my interest.....I'm right in the middle of a project so skype isn't possible, but I'll be PM'ing you.
Dude for real you need Skype or something so I can run you through Reaper. If you install Reaper using my preferences file and Keymap, you will know it almost as well as you know Pro Tools instantly. I have almost everything mapped to be as identical as possible, I switch between the two all of the time and never slip up on key commands or anything.

This is Reaper, look familiar? ;)


you should def post the prefs and shit!