Selling out......make me want to buy cubase

Yeah, the time stretching. I can slip edit with ease, and I can time stretch in Cubase, but I've only done it when I am in the Variaudio window, not direct on the waveform like you are in Reaper in your vid. I also know how to time stretch from the drop down menu (audio>process>time stretch), just don't know how to click and drag.

I just wondered if there was a quick answer to say how you do it in Cubase 5 direct on the waveform (if possible). I'm not at my studio, so I can't fire it up to see...I'm at work.

Hit the '1' key twice - it turns it into a 'stretch' tool. Super handy!
Vari-audio isn't very optimized for anything but Vox. Fairly limited in what you can do too. I use it for light touch-ups, but you'd probably want to be in the Autotune/Melodyne boat to do it properly.

Never used Evo. How does it differ to prior AT?
Is it possible to touch up audio in Autotune similar to what can be done in Melodyne? To be honest I dont know much about Autotune... I just run it over any vocals that may slip out of tune slightly and thats it. Someone enlighten me please!